A CUDA-Based Implementation of Stable Fluids in 3D with Internal and Moving Boundaries

Goncalo Amador, Abel Gomes
Dept. de Inf., Univ. da Beira Interior, Covilha, Portugal
International Conference on Computational Science and Its Applications (ICCSA), 2010


   title={A CUDA-Based Implementation of Stable Fluids in 3D with Internal and Moving Boundaries},

   author={Amador, G. and Gomes, A.},

   booktitle={2010 International Conference on Computational Science and Its Applications},





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Fluid simulation has been an active research field in computer graphics for the last 30 years. Stam’s stable fluids method, among others, is used for solving the equations that govern fluids (i.e. Navier-Stokes equations). An implementation of stable fluids in 3D using NVIDIA Compute Unified Architecture, shortly CUDA, is provided in this paper. This CUDA-based implementation also features the accurate physical treatment of internal (i.e. static boundaries inside the simulation domain) and moving boundaries. The performance gains of the presented implementation vs a sequential CPU-based implementation, and points of further improvement are also addressed.
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