Fast Katsevich Algorithm Based on GPU for Helical Cone-Beam Computed Tomography

Guorui Yan, Jie Tian, Shouping Zhu, Chenghu Qin, Yakang Dai, Fei Yang, Di Dong, Ping Wu
Med. Image Process. Group, Chinese Acad. of Sci., Beijing, China
IEEE Transactions on Information Technology in Biomedicine, 2010


   title={Fast Katsevich algorithm based on GPU for helical cone-beam computed tomography},

   author={Yan, G. and Tian, J. and Zhu, S. and Qin, C. and Dai, Y. and Yang, F. and Wu, P.},

   journal={Information Technology in Biomedicine, IEEE Transactions on},







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Katsevich reconstruction algorithm represents a breakthrough for helical cone-beam computed tomography (CT) reconstruction, because it is the first exact cone-beam reconstruction algorithm of filtered backprojection (FBP) type with 1-D shift-invariant filtering. Although FBP-type reconstruction algorithm is effective, 3-D CT reconstruction is time-consuming, and the accelerations of Katsevich algorithm on CPU or cluster have been widely studied. In this paper, Katsevich algorithm is accelerated by using graphics processing unit, including flat-detector and curved-detector geometry in the case of helical orbit. An overscan formula is derived, which helps to avoid unnecessary overscan in practical CT scanning. Based on the overscan formula, a volume-blocking method in device memory is proposed. One advantage of the blocking method is that it can reconstruct large volume with high speed.
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