Building a Real-Time Multi-GPU Platform: Robust Real-Time Interrupt Handling Despite Closed-Source Drivers
Department of Computer Science, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
draft, 2011
title={Building a Real-Time Multi-GPU Platform: Robust Real-Time Interrupt Handling Despite Closed-Source Drivers},
author={Elliott, G.A. and Anderson, J.H.},
Architectures in which multicore chips are augmented with graphics processing units (GPUs) have great potential in many domains in which computationally intensive real-time workloads must be supported. However, unlike standard CPUs, GPUs are treated as I/O devices and require the use of interrupts to facilitate communication with CPUs. Given their disruptive nature, interrupts must be dealt with carefully in real-time systems. With GPU-driven interrupts, such disruptiveness is further compounded by the closed-source nature of GPU drivers. In this paper, such problems are considered and a solution is presented in the form of an extension to LITMUS RT called klitirqd. The design of klitirqd targets systems with multiple CPUs and GPUs. In such settings, interruptrelated issues arise that have not been previously addressed.
November 11, 2011 by hgpu