Seismic Wave Propagation Simulation Using Accelerated Support Operator Rupture Dynamics on Multi-GPU

Yichen Zhou, Shenyi Song, Tingxing Dong, David A. Yuen
Minnesota Supercomputing Institute, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, USA
IEEE 14th International Conference on Computational Science and Engineering (CSE), 2011


   title={Seismic Wave Propagation Simulation Using Accelerated Support Operator Rupture Dynamics On Multi-GPU},

   author={Zhou, Y. and Dong, T. and Song, S. and Yuen, D.A.},



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The Support Operator Method (SOM) is a numerical method based on finite difference method. The Support Operator Rupture Dynamics (SORD) is an application based on it. It can be used in simulation of 3D elastic wave propagation and spontaneous rupture on hexahedral mesh. It can be applied to various surface boundary conditions. The original application is developed by Geoffrey Ely from University of South California. By transferring the application to the multi-GPU system, we are able to accelerate SORD using NVIDIA CUDA C and MPI. After translating the code from FORTRAN 95 to CUDA C on single Nvidia Tesla C1060, we obtained 6.0X speedup compared to the original FORTRAN 95 version. By extending the application on multi-CPU system, we have achieved a maximum 15.0X speed-up.
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