Conflux: Embedding Massively Parallel Semantics in a High-Level Programming Language
The Eleventh International Conference on Pattern Recognition and Information Processing (PRIP), 2011
title={Conflux: Embedding Massively Parallel Semantics in a High-Level Programming Language},
author={Burmako, E. and Sadykhov, R.},
As of late massively parallel devices have become mainstream and are widely used in research and industry. But even despite recent advances of the API, programming these devices has proven to be a difficult and error-prone task. We have designed Conflux, an embedded domain-specific language that integrates massively parallel semantics into a high-level programming language. Conflux utilizes operations, type system, and data structures of a host language and provides an extensible framework for mapping those to concrete device-specific implementations. We have prototyped an embedding for C# language and a mapping that translates Conflux code for execution on CUDA GPUs and multicore CPUs. Our approach improves programmability of massively parallel algorithms and makes high-performance more accessible for developers.
November 21, 2011 by hgpu