Design of 3D FFT on Multi-GPU Clusters
Indian Institute of Technolgy, Kanpur
Indian Institute of Technolgy, 2011
title={Design of 3D FFT on Multi-GPU Clusters},
author={Maheshwari, A. and Verma, MK},
Turbulence simulations are computationally expensive and typically take weeks to complete. With the advent of GPGPU(General Purpose computing on GPUs), one can achieve significant speedup. Spectral method is one of the several known methods used in turbulence simulations. It is based on Fast Fourier Transforms(FFT) to an extent that it spends 70-80% time in calculating forward and inverse FFT. In this project, we have discussed few implementations of FFT and their limitations on multi- GPU clusters and the perfomance is evaluated on a quad-GPU cluster. In comparison with FFTW, we have achieved up to 7x speedup. Our experiments are conducted on 3D FFT of sizes up to 1024^{3}.
November 25, 2011 by hgpu