Simulation of pollutant transport in shallow water on a CUDA architecture

M. Vinas, J. Lobeiras, B.B. Fraguela, M. Arenaz, M. Amor, R. Doallo
Computer Architecture Group (GAC), Univ. of a Coruna (UDC), A Coruna, Spain
International Conference on High Performance Computing and Simulation (HPCS), 2011


   title={Simulation of pollutant transport in shallow water on a CUDA architecture},

   author={Vinas, M. and Lobeiras, J. and Fraguela, BB and Arenaz, M. and Amor, M. and Doallo, R.},

   booktitle={High Performance Computing and Simulation (HPCS), 2011 International Conference on},





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Shallow water simulation enables the study of problems such as dam break, river, canal and coastal hydrodynamics, as well as the transport of inert substances, such as pollutants, on a fluid. This article describes a GPU efficient and cost-effective CUDA implementation of a finite volume numerical scheme for solving pollutant transport problems in bidimensional domains. The fluid is modeled by 2D shallow water equations, while the transport of pollutant is modeled by a transport equation. The 2D domain is discretized using a first order finite volume scheme. The evaluation using a realistic problem shows that the implementation makes a good usage of the computational resources, being very efficient for real-life complex simulations. The speedup reached allowed us to complete a simulation in 2 hours in contrast with the 239 hours (10 days) required by a sequential execution in a standard CPU.
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