Automatic code generation and tuning for stencil kernels on modern shared memory architectures

Matthias Christen, Olaf Schenk, Helmar Burkhart
Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, University of Basel, Klingelbergstrasse 50, 4056 Basel, Switzerland
Computer Science – Research and Development, Volume 26, Numbers 3-4, pp. 205-210, 2011


   title={Automatic code generation and tuning for stencil kernels on modern shared memory architectures},

   author={Christen, M. and Schenk, O. and Burkhart, H.},

   journal={Computer Science-Research and Development},





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In this paper, we present Patus, a code generation and auto-tuning framework for stencil computations targeted at multi- and manycore processors, such as multicore CPUs and graphics processing units. Patus, which stands for "Parallel Autotuned Stencils," generates a compute kernel from a specification of the stencil operation and a strategy which describes the parallelization and optimization to be applied, and leverages the autotuning methodology to optimize strategy-specific parameters for the given hardware architecture.
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