Real-time GPU-based Simulation of Dynamic Terrain in Virtual Battlefield

Da Wang, Cheng Wang
Digital Engineer&Simulation Research Center, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Wuhan 430000, China
Journal of Computational Information Systems, Vol. 7 (6) p.1924-1933, 2011


   title={Real-time GPU-based Simulation of Dynamic Terrain in Virtual Battlefield},

   author={WANG, D. and WANG, C.},

   journal={Journal of Computational Information Systems},






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The real-time simulation of dynamic terrain is a challenge region in computer graphics. This paper presents a GPU-based method for visualizing crater in virtual battlefield. Firstly, we introduce a novel physical model of crater, which has a direction depending on the direction of impacting force. Then, we encode the terrain data and deforming informations into textures stored in video memory, so that deformation of dynamic terrain can be processed entirely in the GPU. Moreover, we update crater texture with a method of procedural texture, and use an improved Real-Time Optimally Adapting Meshes (ROAM) to render terrain. In the end, our method is implemented by simulating a virtual battlefield system.
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