Multiple-GPU Scalability of Phase-Field Simulation for Dendritic Solidification
Tokyo Institute of Technology, 2-12-1 O-okayama, Meguro-ku, Tokyo 152-8550, Japan
Progress in Nuclear Science and Technology, Vol. 2, pp.639-642, 2011
title={Multiple-GPU Scalability of Phase-Field Simulation for Dendritic Solidification},
author={Aoki, Takayuki and Ogawa, Satoi and Yamanaka, Akinori},
Mechanical properties of metallic materials like steel depend on the solidification process. In order to study the morphology of the microstructure in the materials, the phase-field model derived from the non-equilibrium statistical physics is applied and the interface dynamics is solved by GPU computing. Since very high performance is required, 3-dimensional simulations have not been carried out so much on conventional supercomputers. By using 60 GPUs installed on TSUBAME 1.2, a performance of 10 TFlops is archived for the dendritic solidification based on the phase-field model.
January 6, 2012 by hgpu