An Adaptive Step Size GPU ODE Solver for Simulating the Electric Cardiac Activity

Victor M. Garcia, A. Liberos, A.M. Climent, A. Vidal, J. Millet, A. Gonzalez
Department of Computing, (DSIC) Universidad Politecnica de Valencia, Valencia, Spain
Computing in Cardiology, Volume 38, 2011


   title={An Adaptive Step Size GPU ODE Solver for Simulating the Electric Cardiac Activity},

   author={Garcia, Victor M. and Liberos, A. and Climent, A.M. and Vidal, A. and Millet, J. and Gonzalez, A.},

   journal={Computing in Cardiology},




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Simulation of electric cardiac activity requires the solution of a very large system of ordinary differential equations, which requires long computing times. Modern Graphic Processing Units (GPU) are powerful computing devices, which have been used to simulate electric cardiac activity. However, the numerical techniques applied were based on fixed time step. In this paper we describe an adaptive step size solver written for GPUs, and its application to simulate the behavior of a model of 300 atrial cells. Results presented in this study show that a robust adaptive step ODE solver can be implemented in a GPU. As expected, GPU implementations achieved much better performance than CPU solutions. In addition, the presented adaptive methodology achieved a computation time reduction up to a 25% versus a fix step implementation.
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