Object Oriented Framework for CUDA based Pyramidal Image Blending

Pritam Prakash Shete, Venkat P. P. K., Dinesh M. Sarode, Mohini Laghate, S. K. Bose, A. G. Apte
Bhabha Atomic Research Centre, Mumbai 400086
The National Conference on Machine Vision and Image Processing (MVIP), 2011


   title={Object Oriented Framework for CUDA based Pyramidal Image Blending},

   author={Shete, Pritam Prakash and Venkat, P. P. K. and Sarode, Dinesh M. and Laghate, Mohini and Bose, S. K. and Apte, A. G.},



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In this paper, we propose and implement the object oriented framework for the CUDA based pyramidal image blending. This algorithm is an essential part of an image stitching process for a seamless panoramic mosaic. The CUDA framework is a novel GPU programming framework from NVIDIA. It offers a complex integration framework and require more than just kernel programming. We introduce the object oriented framework for the CUDA based image processing. We illustrate a set of design patterns exploiting programming advantages of the object oriented language. We discuss the framework’s performance in terms of the programming efforts and the speedup factors achieved over the CPU one.
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