A GPU-based implementation for Range Queries on Spaghettis Data Structure

Roberto Uribe-Paredes, Pedro Valero-Lara, Enrique Arias, Jose L. Sanchez, Diego Cazorla
Computer Engineering Department, University of Magallanes, UMAG, Punta Arenas, Chile
Proceedings of the 2011 international conference on Computational science and its applications (ICCSA’11), 2011


   title={A GPU-Based Implementation for Range Queries on Spaghettis Data Structure},

   author={Uribe-Paredes, R. and Valero-Lara, P. and Arias, E. and S{‘a}nchez, J. and Cazorla, D.},

   journal={Computational Science and Its Applications-ICCSA 2011},





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Similarity search in a large collection of stored objects in a metric database has become a most interesting problem. The Spaghettis is an efficient metric data structure to index metric spaces. However, for real applications processing large volumes of generated data, query response times can be high enough. In these cases, it is necessary to apply mechanisms in order to significantly reduce the average query time. In this sense, the parallelization of metric structures is an interesting field of research. The recent appearance of GPUs for general purpose computing platforms offers powerful parallel processing capabilities. In this paper we propose a GPU-based implementation for Spaghettis metric structure. Firstly, we have adapted Spaghettis structure to GPU-based platform. Afterwards, we have compared both sequential and GPU-based implementation to analyse the performance, showing significant improvements in terms of time reduction, obtaining values of speed-up close to 10.
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