On CUDA implementation of a multichannel room impulse response reshaping algorithm based on p-norm optimization

Radoslaw Mazur, Jan Ole Jungmann, Alfred Mertins
Institute for Signal Processing, University of Lubeck, 23562 Lubeck, Germany
IEEE Workshop on Applications of Signal Processing to Audio and Acoustics (WASPAA), 2011


   title={On CUDA implementation of a multichannel room impulse response reshaping algorithm based on p-norm optimization},

   author={Mazur, R. and Jungmann, J.O. and Mertins, A.},

   booktitle={Applications of Signal Processing to Audio and Acoustics (WASPAA), 2011 IEEE Workshop on},





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By using room impulse response shortening and shaping it is possible to reduce the reverberation effects and therefore improve speech intelligibility. This may be achieved by a prefilter that modifies the overall impulse response to have a stronger attenuation. For achieving a spatial robustness, multichannel approaches have been proposed. Unfortunately, these approaches suffer from a very high computational cost and are far too slow for being of practical use in applications where filters have to be designed in real-time. In this work we tackle this drawback using a CUDA implementation and achieve a speedup of over 130 times.
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