Fast algorithm of ray tracing based on KD-tree structure
Image Processing and Pattern Recognition Laboratory, Beijing Normal University, Beijing 100875, China
20th International Conference on Computer Graphics, Visualization and Computer Vision (WSCG’12), 2012
title={Fast algorithm of ray tracing based on KD-tree structure},
author={Wang, Y. and Guo, P.},
According to the GPU storage characteristics, a parallel ray tracing algorithm is proposed in this paper, in which the KD-tree is adopted as the accelerating structure. The nodes are continuously spitted using intermediate plane of each axis, respectively, while the built KD-tree is stored in the texture memory of GPUs. The triangles in a scene are related to the corresponding leaf node in the KD-tree through their own index array, and the KD-tree traversal has been finished by using comparative match between the index value of the ray traverses and that of the triangular. The experimental results show that the proposed algorithm is able to raise the efficiency of ray tracing.
July 7, 2012 by hgpu