Dynamic Overset Grid Computations for CFD Applications on Graphics Processing Units

D. Chandar, J. Sitaraman, D. Mavriplis
Mechanical Engineering, University of Wyoming, Laramie, WY, USA
Seventh International Conference on Computational Fluid Dynamics (ICCFD7), 2012


   title={Dynamic Overset Grid Computations for CFD Applications on Graphics Processing Units},

   author={Chandar, D. and Sitaraman, J. and Mavriplis, D.},



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The objective of the present work is to discuss the development of a 3D Unstructured-Overset grid Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) solver on General Purpose Graphics Processing Units (GPGPUs). As an extension of our previous work on 2D/3D overset grid computations for compressible/incompressible flows on static grids[1][2], the current paper focuses on moving overset grids with dynamic domain connectivity on the GPU. To validate the solver, numerical results are presented for the flow past a moving sphere and an oscillating wing at low Reynolds numbers. An identical serial CPU version of the code with two levels of optimization is generated automatically, by placing compiler directives at appropriate places in the GPU code. A one to one comparison between the GPU and serial code is then made to evaluate the performance of the GPU. Results indicate that the basic, unoptimized GPU flow solver runs 15x and 5x faster than the identical zero and highest level optimizations of the serial C++ code respectively.
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