A Parallel Edge Preserving Algorithm for Salt and Pepper Image Denoising

M. Aldinucci, C. Spampinato, M. Drocco, M. Torquati, S. Palazzo
Computer Science Dept. – University of Torino, Italy
IEEE Intl. Conference on Image Processing Theory, Tools and Applications (IPTA), 2012


   title={A Parallel Edge Preserving Algorithm for Salt and Pepper Image Denoising},

   author={Aldinucci, M. and Drocco, C.S.M. and Torquati, M. and Palazzo, S.},



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In this paper a two-phase filter for removing "salt and pepper" noise is proposed. In the first phase, an adaptive median filter is used to identify the set of the noisy pixels; in the second phase, these pixels are restored according to a regularization method, which contains a data-fidelity term reflecting the impulse noise characteristics. The algorithm, which exhibits good performance both in denoising and in restoration, can be easily and effectively parallelized to exploit the full power of multi-core CPUs and GPGPUs; the proposed implementation based on the FastFlow library achieves both close-to-ideal speedup and very good wall-clock execution figures.
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