Scheduling processing of real-time data streams on heterogeneous multi-GPU systems

Uri Verner, Assaf Schuster, Avi Mendelson, Mark Silberstein
Technion – Israel Institute of Technology
SYSTOR’12, 2012


   title={Scheduling processing of real-time data streams on heterogeneous multi-GPU systems},

   author={Verner, U. and Schuster, A. and Mendelson, A. and Silberstein, M.},



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Processing vast numbers of data streams is a common problem in modern computer systems and is known as the "online big data problem." Adding hard real-time constraints to the processing makes the scheduling problem a very challenging task that this paper aims to address. In such an environment, each data stream is manipulated by a (different) application and each datum (data packet) needs to be processed within a known deadline from the time it was generated. This work assumes a central compute engine which consists of a set of CPUs and a set of GPUs. The system receives a configuration of multiple incoming streams and executes a scheduler on the CPU side. The scheduler decides where each data stream will be manipulated (on the CPUs or on one of the GPUs), and the order of execution, in a way that guarantees that no deadlines will be missed. Our scheduler finds such schedules even for workloads that require high utilization of the entire system (CPUs and GPUs). This paper focuses on an environment where all CPUs share a main memory, and are controlled by a single operating system (and a scheduler). The system uses a set of discrete graphic cards, each with its own private main memory. Different memory regions do not share information, and coherency is maintained by the use of explicit memory-copy operations. The paper presents a new algorithm for distributing data and scheduling applications that achieves high utilization of the entire system (CPUs and GPUs), while producing schedules that meet hard real-time constraints. We evaluate our new proposed algorithm by using the AES-CBC encryption kernel on thousands of streams with realistic distribution of rates and deadlines. The paper shows that on a system with a CPU and two GPU cards, our current framework allows up to 87% more data to be processed per time unit than a similar single-GPU system.
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