Large Scale Monte Carlo Tree Search on GPU

Kamil Marek Rocki
Department of Computer Science, Graduate School of Information Science and Technology, University of Tokyo
University of Tokyo, 2011


   title={Large Scale Monte Carlo Tree Search on GPU GPU},

   author={Rocki, K.M.},


   school={School of Information Science and Technology, The University of Tokyo}


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Monte Carlo Tree Search (MCTS) is a method for making optimal decisions in artificial intelligence (AI) problems, typically for move planning in combinatorial games. It combines the generality of random simulation with the precision of tree search. Research interest in MCTS has risen sharply due to its spectacular success with computer Go and its potential application to a number of other difficult problems. Its application extends beyond games, and MCTS can theoretically be applied to any domain that can be described in terms of (state, action) pairs, as well as it can be used to simulate forecast outcomes such as decision support, control, delayed reward problems or complex optimization. The main advantages of the MCTS algorithm consist in the fact that, on one hand, it does not require any strategic or tactical knowledge about the given domain to make reasonable decisions, on the other hand algorithm can be halted at any time to return the current best estimate. So far, current research has shown that the algorithm can be parallelized on multiple CPUs. The motivation behind this work was caused by the emerging GPU-based systems and their high computational potential combined with the relatively low power usage compared to CPUs. As a problem to be solved I chose to develop an AI GPU(Graphics Processing Unit)-based agent in the game of Reversi (Othello) and SameGame puzzle which provide sufficiently complex problems for tree searching with non-uniform structure. The importance of this research is that if the MCTS algorithm can be efficiently parallelized on GPU(s) it can also be applied to other similar problems on modern multi-CPU/GPU systems such as the TSUBAME 2.0 supercomputer. Tree searching algorithms are hard to parallelize, especially when GPU is considered. Finding an algorithm which is suitable for GPUs is crucial if tree search has to be performed on recent supercomputers. Conventional ones do not provide good performance, because of the limitations of the GPUs’ architecture and the programming scheme, threads’ communication boundaries. One of the problems is the SIMD execution scheme within GPU for a group of threads. It means that standard CPU parallel implementations such as root-parallelism fail. The other problem is the difficulty to generate pseudo-random numbers on GPU which is important for Monte Carlo methods. Available methods are usually very time consuming. Third of all, no current research work discusses scalability of the algorithm for millions of threads (when multiple GPUs are considered), so it is important to estimate to what extent the parallelism can be increased.
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