Using Graphics Processing Units to Parallelize the FDK Algorithm for Tomographic Image Reconstruction
Politechnical Institute of Rio de Janeiro State University, Nova Friburgo-RJ 28625-570, Brazil
Journal of Chemical & Engineering Data, Volume 6, 760-768, 2012
title={Using Graphics Processing Units to Parallelize the FDK Algorithm for Tomographic Image Reconstruction},
author={Dom{‘i}nguez, J.S. and de Oliveira, L.F. and Junior, N.A. and de Assis, J.T.},
journal={J. Chem},
The paper presents the implementation of a parallel version of FDK (Felkamp, David e Kress) algorithm using graphics processing units. Discussion was briefly some elements the computed tomographic scan and FDK algorithm; and some ideas about GPUs (Graphics Processing Units) and its use in general purpose computing were presented. The paper shows a computational implementation of FDK algorithm and the process of parallelization of this implementation. Compare the parallel version of the algorithm with the sequential version, used speedup as a performance metric. To evaluate the performance of parallel version, two GPUs, GeForce 9400GT (16 cores) a low capacity GPU and Quadro 2000 (192 cores) a medium capacity GPU was reached speedup of 3.37.
November 18, 2012 by hgpu