Krylov Subspace Accelerated Algebraic Multigrid for Mimetic Finite Differences on GPUs

Simen Andreas Andreassen Lonsethagen
Norges Teknisk-Naturvitenskaplige Universitet, Institutt for fysikk
Norwegian University of Science and Technology, 2012


   title={Krylov Subspace Accelerated Algebraic Multigrid for Mimetic Finite Differences on GPUs},

   author={L{o}nsethagen, S.A.A.},


   school={Norwegian University of Science and Technology}


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The topic of this thesis is GPU accelerated sparse linear algebra for subsurface reservoir modeling. Numerical techniques for reservoir sim- ulations are described and we present the open source reservoir simulation software toolbox MRST. We discuss some of the challenges related to linear algebra and reservoir simulation. Furthermore, we discuss the possibility GPU-acceleraing the linear algebra for reservoir simulation, and implement a GPU based CG solver preconditioned with AMG for MRST, using the open source linear algebra library CUSP.
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