Applying Contact Angle to a Two-Dimensional Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics (SPH) model on a Graphics Processing Unit (GPU) Platform

Amirsaman Farrokhpanah
Mechanical and Industrial Engineering Department, University of Toronto
University of Toronto, 2012


   title={Applying Contact Angle to a Two-Dimensional Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics (SPH) model on a Graphics Processing Unit (GPU) Platform},

   author={Farrokhpanah, A.},


   school={University of Toronto}


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A parallel GPU compatible Lagrangian mesh free particle solver for multiphase fluid flow based on SPH scheme is developed and used to capture the interface evolution during droplet impact. Surface tension is modeled employing the multiphase scheme of Hu et al. (2006). In order to precisely simulate the wetting phenomena, a method based on the work of Sikalo et al. (2005) is jointly used with the model proposed by Afkhami et al. (2009) to ensure accurate dynamic contact angle calculations. Accurate predictions were obtained for droplet contact angle during spreading. A two-dimensional analytical model is developed as an expansion to the work of Chandra et al. (1991). Results obtain from the solver agrees well to this analytical results. Effects of memory management techniques along with a variety of task assigning algorithms on GPU are studied. GPU speedups of up to 120 times faster than a single processor CPU were obtained.
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