Papers on (.txt-file)
A Framework for Dense Triangular Matrix Kernels on Various Manycore Architectures
A Framework for Developing Real-Time OLAP algorithm using Multi-core processing and GPU: Heterogeneous Computing
A framework for dynamically instrumenting GPU compute applications within GPU Ocelot
A framework for efficient and scalable execution of domain-specific templates on GPUs
A framework for efficient execution on GPU and CPU+GPU systems
A framework for exploring numerical solutions of advection-reaction-diffusion equations using a GPU-based approach
A Framework for Fast and Efficient Neural Network Compression
A Framework for General Sparse Matrix-Matrix Multiplication on GPUs and Heterogeneous Processors
A Framework for Genetic Algorithms in Parallel Environments
A framework for GPU-based application-independent 3D interactions
A framework for lab-based real-time video analysis on distributed camera networks
A Framework for Lattice QCD Calculations on GPUs
A Framework for Management of Distributed Data Processing and Event Selection for the Icecube Neutrino Observatory
A Framework for Megascale Agent Based Model Simulations on Graphics Processing Units
A Framework for Megascale Agent Based Model Simulations on the GPU
A Framework for multisensor image fusion using graphics hardware
A framework for network traffic analysis using GPUs
A framework for parallel unstructured grid applications on GPUs
A Framework for Productive, Efficient and Portable Parallel Computing
A Framework for Profiling and Performance Monitoring of Heterogeneous Applications
A framework for simulating and estimating the state and functional topology of complex dynamic geometric networks
A Framework for the Volumetric Integration of Depth Images
A Framework for Transparent Execution of Massively-Parallel Applications on CUDA and OpenCL
A framework for volume segmentation and visualization using Augmented Reality
A Framework of Large-Scale Terrain Visualization Based on GPU
A Framework to Generate High-Performance Time-stepped Agent-based Simulations on Heterogeneous Hardware
A framework to implement a multifrontal scheme on GPU architectures with OpenCL
A Full-Depth Amalgamated Parallel 3D Geometric Multigrid Solver for GPU Clusters
A fully parallel, high precision, N-body code running on hybrid computing platforms
A GaBP-GPU Algorithm of Solving Large-Scale Sparse Linear Systems
A Game Architecture Based on Multiple GPUs With Energy Management
A game loop architecture for the GPU used as a math coprocessor in real-time applications
A Gb/s Parallel Block-based Viterbi Decoder for Convolutional Codes on GPU
A GEMM interface and implementation on NVIDIA GPUs for multiple small matrices
A General Framework for Constrained Bayesian Optimization using Information-based Search
A general relativistic evolution code on CUDA architectures
A general tridiagonal solver for coprocessors: Adapting g-Spike for the Intel Xeon Phi
A General-Purpose GPU Reservoir Computer
A generalized GPU-based connected component labeling algorithm
A Generic and Scalable Pipeline for GPU Tetrahedral Grid Rendering
A Generic Approach for Developing Highly Scalable Particle-Mesh Codes for GPUs
A Generic Approach to Topic Models
A Generic Inverted Index Framework for Similarity Search on the GPU
A Generic Library for Stencil Computations
A generic library for structured real-time computations: GPU implementation applied to retinal and cortical vision processes
A GPGPU based program to solve the TDSE in intense laser fields through the finite difference approach
A GPGPU compiler for memory optimization and parallelism management
A GPGPU Implementation of Approximate String Matching with Regular Expression Operators and Comparison with Its FPGA Implementation
A GPGPU solution of the FMM near interactions for acoustic scattering problems
A GPGPU Transparent Virtualization Component for High Performance Computing Clouds
A GPGPU-Based Collision Detection Algorithm
A GPGPU-based Pipeline for Accelerated Rendering of Point Clouds
A GPU Accelerated Aggregation Algebraic Multigrid Method
A GPU accelerated algorithm for 3D Delaunay triangulation
A GPU Accelerated Algorithm for Compressive Sensing Based Image Super-Resolution
A GPU accelerated Barnes-Hut Tree Code for FLASH4
A GPU Accelerated BiConjugate Gradient Stabilized Solver for Speeding-up Large Scale Model Evaluation
A GPU Accelerated Continuous and Discontinuous Galerkin Non-hydrostatic Atmospheric Model
A GPU Accelerated High Performance Cloud Computing Infrastructure for Grid Computing Based Virtual Environmental Laboratory
A GPU accelerated interactive interface for exploratory functional connectivity analysis of fMRI data
A GPU Accelerated Navier-Stokes Solver with Multi-level Granularity for Solving Sparse Implicit Systems
A GPU Accelerated Simulator for CO2 Storage
A GPU accelerated spring mass system for surgical simulation
A GPU accelerated storage system
A GPU Accelerated Volumetric Ray Tracer for Incandescent Gas
A GPU acceleration for FFT-based fast solvers for the integral equation
A GPU Algorithm for 3D Convex Hull
A GPU Algorithm for Greedy Graph Matching
A GPU Algorithm for IC Floorplanning: Specification, Analysis and Optimization
A GPU approach to FDTD for Radio Coverage Prediction
A GPU Approach to Fortran Legacy Systems
A GPU approach to parallel replica-exchange polymer simulations
A GPU Based 3D Object Retrieval Approach Using Spatial Shape Information
A GPU based Algorithm for Determining the Optimal Cutting Direction in Deep Mold Machining
A GPU based implementation of Center-Surround Distribution Distance for feature extraction and matching
A GPU Based Implementation of Side Effect Analysis
A GPU based interactive modeling approach to designing fine level features
A GPU Based Memory Optimized Parallel Method For FFT Implementation
A GPU based Parallel Hierarchical Fuzzy ART Clustering
A GPU based real-time GPS software receiver
A GPU based real-time software correlation system for the Murchison Widefield Array prototype
A GPU based real-time video compression method for video conferencing
A GPU based saliency map for high-fidelity selective rendering
A GPU cluster optimized multigrid scheme for computing unsteady incompressible fluid flow
A GPU framework for parallel segmentation of volumetric images using discrete deformable model
A GPU framework for parallel segmentation of volumetric images using discrete deformable models
A GPU Framework for Sparse Matrix Vector Multiplication
A GPU Framework for the Visualization and On-the-Fly Amplification of Real Terrains
A GPU implementation for improved granular simulations with LAMMPS
A GPU implementation for LBG and SOM training
A GPU implementation for two MIMO-OFDM detectors
A GPU Implementation for Two-Dimensional Shallow Water Modeling
A GPU Implementation of a Jacobi Method for Lattice Basis Reduction
A GPU implementation of a real-time MIMO detector
A GPU implementation of a track-repeating algorithm for proton radiotherapy dose calculations
A GPU Implementation of Dynamic Programming for the Optimal Polygon Triangulation
A GPU implementation of EGSnrc’s Monte Carlo photon transport for imaging applications
A GPU Implementation of Inclusion-based Points-to Analysis
A GPU Implementation of Large Neighborhood Search for Solving Constraint Optimization Problems
Titles: 100
open PDFs: 84
packages: 16