Papers on (.txt-file)
High-Order Discontinuous Galerkin Methods by GPU Metaprogramming
High-Order Error-Optimized FDTD Algorithm With GPU Implementation
High-order finite-element seismic wave propagation modeling with MPI on a large GPU cluster
High-Order Schemes for the Shallow Water Equations on GPUs
High-order thread-safe lattice Boltzmann model for HPC turbulent flow simulations
High-performance 3D Compressive Sensing MRI reconstruction
High-Performance 3D Compressive Sensing MRI Reconstruction Using Many-Core Architectures
High-performance and Embedded Systems for Cryptography
High-performance and Hardware-aware Computing: Proceedings of the First International Workshop on New Frontiers in High-performance and Hardware-aware Computing (HipHaC’08)
High-performance astrophysical visualization using Splotch
High-performance bankruptcy prediction model using Graphics Processing Units
High-performance biocomputing for simulating the spread of contagion over large contact networks
High-performance Blob-based iterative reconstruction of electron tomography on multi-GPUs
High-performance blob-based iterative three-dimensional reconstruction in electron tomography using multi-GPUs
High-Performance Code Generation for Stencil Computations on GPU Architectures
High-Performance Computation of a Jet in Cross Flow by Lattice Boltzmann Based Parallel Direct Numerical Simulation
High-Performance Computing Algorithms for Constructing Inverted Files on Emerging Multicore Processors
High-performance Computing in China: Research and Applications
High-Performance Computing using GPUs
High-Performance Computing with Accelerators
High-performance cone beam reconstruction using CUDA compatible GPUs
High-performance CUDA kernel execution on FPGAs
High-Performance Deep Learning via a Single Building Block
High-Performance Diagnostic Fault Simulation on GPUs
High-Performance Distributed Multi-Model / Multi-Kernel Simulations: A Case-Study in Jungle Computing
High-performance Dynamic Programming on FPGAs with OpenCL
High-Performance Energy-Efficient Multicore Embedded Computing
High-Performance General Solver for Extremely Large-Scale Semidefinite Programming Problems
High-Performance GPGPU Programming with OCaml
High-performance GPU based Rendering for Real-Time, rigid 2D/3D-Image Registration in Radiation Oncology
High-Performance GPU-to-CPU Transpilation and Optimization via High-Level Parallel Constructs
High-Performance High-Order Stencil Computation on FPGAs Using OpenCL
High-Performance Holistic XML Twig Filtering Using GPUs
High-Performance Image Synthesis for Radio Interferometry
High-performance Implementations and Large-scale Validation of the Link-wise Artificial Compressibility Method
High-Performance Interactive Scientific Visualization With Datoviz via the Vulkan Low-Level GPU API
High-Performance Iterative Electron Tomography Reconstruction with Long-Object Compensation using Graphics Processing Units (GPUs)
High-Performance Location-Aware Publish-Subscribe on GPUs
High-Performance Matrix-Vector Multiplication on the GPU
High-Performance Monte Carlo Radiosity on GPU based on Scene Partitioning
High-Performance Multi-View Reconstruction
High-Performance Neural Networks for Visual Object Classification
High-Performance Online Spatial and Temporal Aggregations on Multi-core CPUs and Many-Core GPUs
High-Performance Out-of-core Block Randomized Singular Value Decomposition on GPU
High-Performance Physics Simulations Using Multi-Core CPUs and GPGPUs in a Volunteer Computing Context
High-performance polynomial GCD computations on graphics processors
High-Performance Pseudo-Random Number Generation on Graphics Processing Units
High-Performance Reverse Time Migration on GPU
High-performance SIMT code generation in an active visual effects library
High-performance software rasterization on GPUs
High-performance sparse matrix-matrix products on Intel KNL and multicore architectures
High-performance sparse matrix-vector multiplication on GPUs for structured grid computations
High-Performance Spatial Join Processing on GPGPUs with Applications to Large-Scale Taxi Trip Data
High-Performance Spatial Query Processing on Big Taxi Trip Data using GPGPUs
High-Performance Symmetric Block Ciphers on Multicore CPU and GPUs
High-Performance Tensor Contractions for GPUs
High-Performance Zonal Histogramming on Large-Scale Geospatial Rasters Using GPUs and GPU-Accelerated Clusters
High-precision molecular dynamics simulation of UO2-PuO2: Anion self-diffusion in UO2
High-precision molecular dynamics simulation of UO2-PuO2: pair potentials comparison
High-precision molecular dynamics simulation of UO2-PuO2: superionic transition in uranium dioxide
High-precision Monte Carlo study of the three-dimensional XY model on GPU
High-Precision Numerical Simulations of Rotating Black Holes Accelerated by CUDA
High-Quality Point-Based Rendering on Modern GPUs
High-quality pre-integrated volume rendering using hardware-accelerated pixel shading
High-quality Real-time Stereo using Adaptive Cost Aggregation and Dynamic Programming
High-Quality Rendering of Quartic Spline Surfaces on the GPU
High-Quality Rendering of Varying Isosurfaces with Cubic Trivariate C1-Continuous Splines
High-quality surface splatting on today’s GPUs
High-Quality, Semi-Analytical Volume Rendering for AMR Data
High-Speed Dense Stereo Via Directional Center-Biased Windows on Graphics Hardware
High-speed electromagnetic field simulation by HIE-FDTD method with GPGPU
High-Speed GPU-Based Fully Three-Dimensional Diffuse Optical Tomographic System
High-Speed Implementations of Block Cipher ARIA Using Graphics Processing Units
High-Speed Object Detection: Design, Study and Implementation of a Detection Framework using Channel Features and Boosting
High-Speed Private Information Retrieval Computation on GPU
High-Speed Stream-Centric Dense Stereo and View Synthesis on Graphics Hardware
High-Speed Turbo Equalization for GPP-based Software Defined Radios
High-speed volume ray casting with CUDA
High-Throughput All-Atom Molecular Dynamics Simulations Using Distributed Computing
High-throughput Analysis of Large Microscopy Image Datasets on CPU-GPU Cluster Platforms
High-throughput bayesian computing machine with reconfigurable hardware
High-throughput Bayesian network learning using heterogeneous multicore computers
High-throughput Execution of Hierarchical Analysis Pipelines on Hybrid Cluster Platforms
High-Throughput parallel blind Virtual Screening using BINDSURF
High-Throughput Parallel Viterbi Decoder on GPU Tensor Cores
High-throughput protein crystallization on the World Community Grid and the GPU
High-throughput sequence alignment using Graphics Processing Units
High-Throughput Sequence Translation Using CUDA
High-throughput stream categorization and intrusion detection on GPU
High-Throughput Transaction Executions on Graphics Processors
Higher order FEM numerical integration on GPUs with OpenCL
Higher-order CFD and Interface Tracking Methods on Highly-Parallel MPI and GPU systems
Highly accelerated feature detection in proteomics data sets using modern graphics processing units
Highly accelerated simulations of glassy dynamics using GPUs: caveats on limited floating-point precision
Highly Efficient 8-bit Low Precision Inference of Convolutional Neural Networks with IntelCaffe
Highly Efficient Forward and Backward Propagation of Convolutional Neural Networks for Pixelwise Classification
Highly Efficient Lattice-Boltzmann Multiphase Simulations of Immiscible Fluids at High-Density Ratios on CPUs and GPUs through Code Generation
Titles: 100
open PDFs: 86
packages: 12