
Nov, 6

Exploring the multiple-GPU design space

Graphics Processing Units (GPUs) have been growing in popularity due to their impressive processing capabilities, and with general purpose programming languages such as NVIDIA’s CUDA interface, are becoming the platform of choice in the scientific computing community. Previous studies that used GPUs focused on obtaining significant performance gains from execution on a single GPU. These […]
Nov, 6

GPU Computing for Atmospheric Modeling

Much success has been achieved using GPUs to accelerate existing applications that are highly data parallel, or that are dominated by small, intense computational kernels. What are the prospects for porting existing large scientific models that do not fit this mold? We take an expensive routine from the CAM atmosphere model, and port it to […]
Nov, 6

A Practical Quicksort Algorithm for Graphics Processors

In this paper we present GPU-Quicksort, an efficient Quicksort algorithm suitable for highly parallel multi-core graphics processors. Quicksort has previously been considered as an inefficient sorting solution for graphics processors, but we show that GPU-Quicksort often performs better than the fastest known sorting implementations for graphics processors, such as radix and bitonic sort. Quicksort can […]
Nov, 6

StoreGPU: exploiting graphics processing units to accelerate distributed storage systems

Today Graphics Processing Units (GPUs) are a largely underexploited resource on existing desktops and a possible cost-effective enhancement to high-performance systems. To date, most applications that exploit GPUs are specialized scientific applications. Little attention has been paid to harnessing these highly-parallel devices to support more generic functionality at the operating system or middleware level. This […]
Nov, 6

Programming model for a heterogeneous x86 platform

The client computing platform is moving towards a heterogeneous architecture consisting of a combination of cores focused on scalar performance, and a set of throughput-oriented cores. The throughput oriented cores (e.g. a GPU) may be connected over both coherent and non-coherent interconnects, and have different ISAs. This paper describes a programming model for such heterogeneous […]
Nov, 6

Maintaining constant frame rates in 3D texture-based volume rendering

3D texture-based volume rendering is a popular way of realizing direct volume visualization on graphics hardware. However, the slice-oriented texture memory layout of many current CPUs may lead to a strongly view-dependent performance, which reduces the fields of application of volume rendering. In this short technical note, we propose a slight modification of texture-based volume […]
Nov, 6

Accelerating Dust Temperature Calculations with Graphics Processing Units

When calculating the infrared spectral energy distributions (SEDs) of galaxies in radiation-transfer models, the calculation of dust grain temperatures is generally the most time-consuming part of the calculation. Because of its highly parallel nature, this calculation is perfectly suited for massively parallel general-purpose Graphics Processing Units (GPUs). This paper presents an implementation of the calculation […]
Nov, 6

Fast scale invariant feature detection and matching on programmable graphics hardware

Ever since the introduction of freely programmable hardware components into modern graphics hardware, graphics processing units (GPUs) have become increasingly popular for general purpose computations. Especially when applied to computer vision algorithms where a Single set of Instructions has to be executed on Multiple Data (SIMD), GPU-based algorithms can provide a major increase in processing […]
Nov, 6

Real-time visualization of large volume datasets on standard PC hardware

In medical area, interactive three-dimensional volume visualization of large volume datasets is a challenging task. One of the major challenges in graphics processing unit (GPU)-based volume rendering algorithms is the limited size of texture memory imposed by current GPU architecture. We attempt to overcome this limitation by rendering only visible parts of large CT datasets. […]
Nov, 6

Efficient simulation of large-scale spiking neural networks using CUDA graphics processors

Neural network simulators that take into account the spiking behavior of neurons are useful for studying brain mechanisms and for engineering applications. Spiking Neural Network (SNN) simulators have been traditionally simulated on large-scale clusters, super-computers, or on dedicated hardware architectures. Alternatively, Graphics Processing Units (GP Us) can provide a low-cost, programmable, and high-performance computing platform […]
Nov, 6

Parallel view-dependent refinement of progressive meshes

We present a scheme for view-dependent level-of-detail control that is implemented entirely on programmable graphics hardware. Our scheme selectively refines and coarsens an arbitrary triangle mesh at the granularity of individual vertices, to create meshes that are highly adapted to dynamic view parameters. Such fine-grain control has previously been demonstrated using sequential CPU algorithms. However, […]
Nov, 6

Magnetohydrodynamics simulations on graphics processing units

Magnetohydrodynamics (MHD) simulations based on the ideal MHD equations have become a powerful tool for modeling phenomena in a wide range of applications including laboratory, astrophysical, and space plasmas. In general, high-resolution methods for solving the ideal MHD equations are computationally expensive and Beowulf clusters or even supercomputers are often used to run the codes […]

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