
Feb, 4

Towards a GPU-Parallelization of the neXtSIM-DG Dynamical Core

The cryosphere plays a significant role in Earth’s climate system. Therefore, an accurate simulation of sea ice is of great importance to improve climate projections. To enable higher resolution simulations, graphics processing units (GPUs) have become increasingly attractive as they offer higher floating point peak performance and better energy efficiency compared to CPUs. However, making […]
Feb, 4

High-order thread-safe lattice Boltzmann model for HPC turbulent flow simulations

We present a highly-optimized thread-safe lattice Boltzmann model in which the non-equilibrium part of the distribution function is locally reconstructed via recursivity of Hermite polynomials. Such a procedure allows the explicit incorporation of non-equilibrium moments of the distribution up to the order supported by the lattice. Thus, the proposed approach increases accuracy and stability at […]
Jan, 28

Assessing the Impact of Compiler Optimizations on GPUs Reliability

Graphics Processing Units (GPUs) compilers have evolved in order to support general-purpose programming languages for multiple architectures. NVIDIA CUDA Compiler (NVCC) has many compilation levels before generating the machine code and applies complex optimizations to improve performance. These optimizations modify how the software is mapped in the underlying hardware; thus, as we show in this […]
Jan, 28

Lessons Learned Migrating CUDA to SYCL: A HEP Case Study with ROOT RDataFrame

The world’s largest particle accelerator, located at CERN, produces petabytes of data that need to be analysed efficiently, to study the fundamental structures of our universe. ROOT is an open-source C++ data analysis framework, developed for this purpose. Its high-level data analysis interface, RDataFrame, currently only supports CPU parallelism. Given the increasing heterogeneity in computing […]
Jan, 28

Application of performance portability solutions for GPUs and many-core CPUs to track reconstruction kernels

Next generation High-Energy Physics (HEP) experiments are presented with significant computational challenges, both in terms of data volume and processing power. Using compute accelerators, such as GPUs, is one of the promising ways to provide the necessary computational power to meet the challenge. The current programming models for compute accelerators often involve using architecture-specific programming […]
Jan, 28

BANG: Billion-Scale Approximate Nearest Neighbor Search using a Single GPU

Approximate Nearest Neighbour Search (ANNS) is a subroutine in algorithms routinely employed in information retrieval, pattern recognition, data mining, image processing, and beyond. Recent works have established that graph-based ANNS algorithms are practically more efficient than the other methods proposed in the literature, on large datasets. The growing volume and dimensionality of data necessitates designing […]
Jan, 28

A Heterogeneous Inference Framework for a Deep Neural Network

Artificial intelligence (AI) is one of the most promising technologies based on machine learning algorithms. In this paper, we propose a workflow for the implementation of deep neural networks. This workflow attempts to combine the flexibility of high-level compilers (HLS)-based networks with the architectural control features of hardware description languages (HDL)-based flows. The architecture consists […]
Jan, 21

A Survey on Hardware Accelerators for Large Language Models

Large Language Models (LLMs) have emerged as powerful tools for natural language processing tasks, revolutionizing the field with their ability to understand and generate human-like text. As the demand for more sophisticated LLMs continues to grow, there is a pressing need to address the computational challenges associated with their scale and complexity. This paper presents […]
Jan, 21

swCUDA: Auto parallel code translation framework from CUDA to ATHREAD for new generation sunway supercomputer

Since specific hardware characteristics and low-level programming model are adapted to both NVIDIA GPU and new generation Sunway architecture, automatically translating mature CUDA kernels to Sunway ATHREAD kernels are realistic but challenging work. To address this issue, swCUDA, an auto parallel code translation framework is proposed. To that end, we create scale afne translation to […]
Jan, 21

Minuet: Accelerating 3D Sparse Convolutions on GPUs

Sparse Convolution (SC) is widely used for processing 3D point clouds that are inherently sparse. Different from dense convolution, SC preserves the sparsity of the input point cloud by only allowing outputs to specific locations. To efficiently compute SC, prior SC engines first use hash tables to build a kernel map that stores the necessary […]
Jan, 21

Parallel and Heterogeneous Timing Analysis: Partition, Algorithm, and System

Static timing analysis (STA) is an integral part in the overall design flow because it verifies the expected timing behaviors of a circuit. However, as the circuit complexity continues to enlarge, there is an increasing need for enhancing the performance of existing STA algorithms using emerging heterogeneous parallelism that comprises manycore central processing units (CPUs) […]
Jan, 21

MGARD: A multigrid framework for high-performance, error-controlled data compression and refactoring

We describe MGARD, a software providing MultiGrid Adaptive Reduction for floating-point scientific data on structured and unstructured grids. With exceptional data compression capability and precise error control, MGARD addresses a wide range of requirements, including storage reduction, high-performance I/O, and in-situ data analysis. It features a unified application programming interface (API) that seamlessly operates across […]

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