
Jun, 30

Adapting database components to heterogeneous environments

Data management has seen rapid evolution during the last years, influenced by factors such as data explosion, the prevalence of machine and deep learning, the slowdown of Moore’s law and the popularity of hardware accelerators. Data processing systems are trying to adapt to all these trends by building monolithic and highly specialized systems, which are […]
Jun, 30

A Survey of General-purpose Polyhedral Compilers

Since the 1990’s many implementations of polyhedral compilers have been written and distributed, either as source-to-source translating compilers or integrated into wider purpose compilers. This paper provides a survey on those various available implementations as of today, 2024. We list and describe most commonly available polyhedral schedulers and compiler implementations. Then, we compare the general-purpose […]
Jun, 30

How to Rent GPUs on a Budget

The explosion in Machine Learning (ML) over the past ten years has led to a dramatic increase in demand for GPUs to train ML models. Because it is prohibitively expensive for most users to build and maintain a large GPU cluster, large cloud providers (Microsoft Azure, Amazon AWS, Google Cloud) have seen explosive growth in […]
Jun, 23

Breaking the Memory Wall: A Study of I/O Patterns and GPU Memory Utilization for Hybrid CPU-GPU Offloaded Optimizers

Transformers and LLMs have seen rapid adoption in all domains. Their sizes have exploded to hundreds of billions of parameters and keep increasing. Under these circumstances, the training of transformers is slow and often takes in the order of weeks or months. Thanks to 3D model parallelism (data, pipeline, and tensor-level parallelism), the training can […]
Jun, 23

GPU Parallelization of Astronomical Image Subtraction

Astronomical image subtraction is a method for generating a difference image from two images, which covers the same area but taken at different times, in order to see changes over time. Due to the images being taken at different times, one of the images has to be convolved, to match the atmospheric conditions of the […]
Jun, 23

An End-to-End Programming Model for AI Engine Architectures

The proliferation of deep learning in various domains has led to remarkable advancements in artificial intelligence applications, such as large-language models for scientific use cases. However, the concomitant exponential growth in computational demands, driven by the development of ever-larger deep learning models, presents significant challenges in terms of resource consumption and sustainability. This dissertation addresses […]
Jun, 23

Optimal Kernel Orchestration for Tensor Programs with Korch

Kernel orchestration is the task of mapping the computation defined in different operators of a deep neural network (DNN) to the execution of GPU kernels on modern hardware platforms. Prior approaches optimize kernel orchestration by greedily applying operator fusion, which fuses the computation of multiple operators into a single kernel, and miss a variety of […]
Jun, 23

COOK Access Control on an embedded Volta GPU

The last decade has seen the emergence of a new generation of multi-core in response to advances in machine learning, and in particular Deep Neural Network (DNN) training and inference tasks. These platforms, like the JETSON AGX XAVIER, embed several cores and accelerators in a SWaP- efficient (Size Weight and Power) package with a limited […]
Jun, 16

Understanding GPU Triggering APIs for MPI+X Communication

GPU-enhanced architectures are now dominant in HPC systems, but message-passing communication involving GPUs with MPI has proven to be both complex and expensive, motivating new approaches that lower such costs. We compare and contrast stream/graph- and kernel-triggered MPI communication abstractions, whose principal purpose is to enhance the performance of communication when GPU kernels create or […]
Jun, 16

Bag of Tricks: Benchmarking of Jailbreak Attacks on LLMs

Although Large Language Models (LLMs) have demonstrated significant capabilities in executing complex tasks in a zero-shot manner, they are susceptible to jailbreak attacks and can be manipulated to produce harmful outputs. Recently, a growing body of research has categorized jailbreak attacks into token-level and prompt-level attacks. However, previous work primarily overlooks the diverse key factors […]
Jun, 16

Stencil Computations on AMD and Nvidia Graphics Processors: Performance and Tuning Strategies

Over the last ten years, graphics processors have become the de facto accelerator for data-parallel tasks in various branches of high-performance computing, including machine learning and computational sciences. However, with the recent introduction of AMD-manufactured graphics processors to the world’s fastest supercomputers, tuning strategies established for previous hardware generations must be re-evaluated. In this study, […]
Jun, 16

A methodology for comparing optimization algorithms for auto-tuning

Adapting applications to optimally utilize available hardware is no mean feat: the plethora of choices for optimization techniques are infeasible to maximize manually. To this end, auto-tuning frameworks are used to automate this task, which in turn use optimization algorithms to efficiently search the vast searchspaces. However, there is a lack of comparability in studies […]

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