Oct, 17
Performance Analysis Cluster and GPU Computing Environment on Molecular Dynamic Simulation of BRV-1 and REM2 with GROMACS
One of application that needs high performance computing resources is molecular d ynamic. There is some software available that perform molecular dynamic, one of these is a well known GROMACS. Our previous experiment simulating molecular dynamics of Indonesian grown herbal compounds show sufficient speed up on 32 n odes Cluster computing environment. In order to […]
Oct, 16
Accelerating Fully Homomorphic Encryption on GPUs
In a major breakthrough, in 2009 Gentry introduced the first plausible construction of a fully homomorphic encryption (FHE) scheme. FHE allows the evaluation of arbitrary functions directly on encrypted data on untwisted servers. In 2010, Gentry and Halevi presented the first FHE implementation on an IBM x3500 server. However, this implementation remains impractical due to […]
Oct, 16
Optimal structure of face detection algorithm using GPU architecture
This article describes parallel algorithm of face detection on images for GPU architecture. This algorithm is an extension of an algorithm from OpenCV library. A computational structure is presented for the developed algorithm. Also, scheduling algorithm was developed to balance a workload among GPU’s threads.
Oct, 16
High-Performance Computing Algorithms for Constructing Inverted Files on Emerging Multicore Processors
Current trends in processor architectures increasingly include more cores on a single chip and more complex memory hierarchies, and such a trend is likely to continue in the foreseeable future. These processors offer unprecedented opportunities for speeding up demanding computations if the available resources can be effectively utilized. Simultaneously, parallel programming languages such as OpenMP […]
Oct, 16
Particle Filters on Multi-Core Processors
The particle filter is a Bayesian estimation technique based on Monte Carlo simulation. The nonparametric nature of particle filters makes them ideal for non-linear, non-Gaussian dynamic systems. Particle filtering has many applications: in computer vision, robotics, and econometrics to name just a few. Although superior to Kalman filters, particle filters have higher computational requirements, which […]
Oct, 16
Analysis of Single Phase Fluid Flow and Heat Transfer in Slip Flow Regime by Parallel Implementation of Lattice Boltzmann Method on GPUs
In this thesis work fluid flow and heat transfer in two-dimensional microchannels are studied numerically. A computer code based on Lattice Boltzmann Method (LBM) is developed for this purpose. The code is written using MATLAB and Jacket software and has the important feature of being able to run parallel on Graphics Processing Units (GPUs). The […]
Oct, 15
CUDA Based Multi Objective Parallel Genetic Algorithms: Adapting Evolutionary Algorithms for Document Searches
This paper introduces a Multi Objective Parallel Genetic Algorithm (MOPGA) using the Compute Unified Device Architecture (CUDA) hardware for parallel processing. The algorithm demonstrates significant speed gains using affordable, scalable and commercially available hardware. The algorithm implements a document search using techniques such as Term Frequency Inverse Document Frequency (TF-IDF), Latent Semantic Analysis (LSA), Multi […]
Oct, 15
Geometry Based Visualization with OpenCL
This work targets the design and implementation of an isosurface extraction solution capable of handling large datasets. The Marching Cubes algorithm is the method used to extract the isosurfaces. These are graphical representations of points with a constant value (e.g. matter density) within volumetric datasets. A very useful approach to visualize particular regions of such […]
Oct, 15
Parallel Programming using OpenCL on Modern Architectures
This report is intended as a quick introduction to the OpenCL framework and the aim is to facilitate a smooth transfer into the use OpenCL C for developers with previous GPGPU experience. The purpose of OpenCL is to allow for developers to use all compute resources available on a heterogeneous hardware platform. As well as […]
Oct, 15
Iterative Krylov solution methods for geophysical electromagnetic simulations on throughput-oriented processing units
Many geoscientific applications involve boundary value problems arising in simulating electrostatic and electromagnetic fields for geophysical prospecting and subsurface imaging of electrical resistivity. Modeling complex geological media with three-dimensional finite difference grids gives rise to large sparse linear systems of equations. For such systems, we have implemented three common iterative Krylov solution methods on graphics […]
Oct, 15
Kinetics of liquid-solid phase transition in large nickel clusters
In this paper we have explored computationally the solidification process of large nickel clusters. This process has the characteristic features of the first order phase transition occurring in a finite system. The focus of our research is placed on the elucidation of correlated dynamics of a large ensemble of particles in the course of the […]
Oct, 14
Graphics Processing Unit based searching the critical slip surface of slopes by the Vector Sum Analysis Method
Vector Sum Analysis Method (VSAM), with its clear physical and mechanical meaning in slope stability analysis, can be effectively applied to calculate the slope safety factor and to search the critical slip surface of a slope. In the current researches of VSAM, most people focus on the solutions or application in slope engineering without considering […]