GPU-based high-performance computing for radiation therapy

Xun Jia, Peter Ziegenhein, Steve B Jiang
Deparment of Radiation Oncology, University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas, TX 75390, USA
Physics in Medicine and Biology, Volume 59, Number 4, 2014


   author={Xun Jia and Peter Ziegenhein and Steve B Jiang},

   title={GPU-based high-performance computing for radiation therapy},

   journal={Physics in Medicine and Biology},







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Recent developments in radiotherapy therapy demand high computation powers to solve challenging problems in a timely fashion in a clinical environment. The graphics processing unit (GPU), as an emerging high-performance computing platform, has been introduced to radiotherapy. It is particularly attractive due to its high computational power, small size, and low cost for facility deployment and maintenance. Over the past few years, GPU-based high-performance computing in radiotherapy has experienced rapid developments. A tremendous amount of study has been conducted, in which large acceleration factors compared with the conventional CPU platform have been observed. In this paper, we will first give a brief introduction to the GPU hardware structure and programming model. We will then review the current applications of GPU in major imaging-related and therapy-related problems encountered in radiotherapy. A comparison of GPU with other platforms will also be presented.
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