Realistic real-time sound re-synthesis and processing for interactive virtual worlds

Fernando Trebien, Manuel Oliveira
Instituto de Informatica, UFRGS, Av. Bento Goncalves, 9500, Caixa Postal 15.064, Porto Alegre, RS, Brazil
The Visual Computer, Vol. 25, No. 5. (1 May 2009), pp. 469-477.


   title={Realistic real-time sound re-synthesis and processing for interactive virtual worlds},

   author={Trebien, F. and Oliveira, M.M.},

   journal={The Visual Computer},








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We present new GPU-based techniques for implementing linear digital filters for real-time audio processing. Our solution for recursive filters is the first presented in the literature. We demonstrate the relevance of these algorithms to computer graphics by synthesizing realistic sounds of colliding objects made of different materials, such as glass, plastic, and wood, in real time. The synthesized sounds can be parameterized by the object materials, velocities, and collision angles. Despite its flexibility, our approach uses very little memory, since it essentially requires a set of coefficients representing the impulse response of each material sound. Such features make our approach an attractive alternative to traditional CPU-based techniques that use playback of pre-recorded sounds.
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