The Fast and Wideband MoM Based on GPU and Two-Path AFS Acceleration

Lan Li, Jundong Tan, Zhuo Su, Yunliang Lon
Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering, Sun Yat-Sen University, Guangzhou, 510006, P. R. of China
International Symposyum on Antennas and Propagation (ISAP), 2014


   title={The Fast and Wideband MoM Based on GPU and Two-Path AFS Acceleration},

   author={Li, Lan and Tan, Jundong and Su, Zhuo and Lon, Yunliang},



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In this paper, a General Purpose Unit (GPU) accelerated full-wave method of moment (MoM) is combined with a two-path adaptive frequency sampling (AFS) approach to analyze the wideband characteristic of the body-wire structures. An equivalent principle is employed to treat the wire as surface so that the model which is analyzed based on the electric-field integral equation (EFIE) could be purely discretized by triangles, avoiding adopting three different basis functions. Numerical results for a monopole mounted on the square ground plane show the efficiency and accuracy of the proposed methods.
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