Parallel medical image reconstruction: from graphics processing units (GPU) to Grids
Institut fur Informatik, Universitat Munster, Einsteinstr. 62,48149 Munster, Germany
The Journal of Supercomputing (5 March 2010)
title={Parallel medical image reconstruction: from graphics processing units (GPU) to Grids},
author={Schellmann, M. and Gorlatch, S. and Meil{\”a}nder, D. and K{\”o}sters, T. and Sch{\”a}fers, K. and W{\”u}bbeling, F. and Burger, M.},
journal={The Journal of Supercomputing},
We present and compare a variety of parallelization approaches for a real-world case study on modern parallel and distributed computer architectures. Our case study is a production-quality, time-intensive algorithm for medical image reconstruction used in computer tomography (PET). We parallelize this algorithm for the main kinds of contemporary parallel architectures: shared-memory multiprocessors, distributed-memory clusters, graphics processing units (GPU) using the CUDA framework, the Cell processor and, finally, how various architectures can be accessed in a distributed Grid environment. The main contribution of the paper, besides the parallelization approaches, is their systematic comparison regarding four important criteria: performance, programming comfort, accessibility, and cost-effectiveness. We report results of experiments on particular parallel machines of different architectures that confirm the findings of our systematic comparison.
November 8, 2010 by hgpu