Genetically Improved BarraCUDA
UCL Department of Computer Science
arXiv:1505.07855 [q-bio.GN], (28 May 2015)
title={Genetically Improved BarraCUDA},
author={Langdon, W. B. and Lam, Brian Yee Hong},
BarraCUDA is a C program which uses the BWA algorithm in parallel with nVidia CUDA to align short next generation DNA sequences against a reference genome. The genetically improved (GI) code is up to three times faster on short paired end reads from The 1000 Genomes Project and 60 percent more accurate on a short GCAT alignment benchmark. GPGPU Barracuda running on a single K80 Tesla GPU can align short paired end nextgen sequences up to ten times faster than bwa on a 12 core CPU.
June 1, 2015 by hgpu