Revisiting Online Autotuning for Sparse-Matrix Vector Multiplication Kernels on Next-Generation Architectures

Simon Garcia De Gonzalo, Simon D. Hammond, Christian R. Trott, Wen-Mei Hwu
The IMPACT Research group
19th IEEE International Conference on High Performance Computing and Communications (HPCC17), 2017


   title={Revisiting Online Autotuning for Sparse-Matrix Vector Multiplication Kernels on Next-Generation Architectures},

   author={De Gonzalo, Simon Garcia and Hammond, Simon D and Trott, Christian R and Hwu, Wen-Mei},



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Sparse-Matrix Vector products (SpMV) are highly irregular computational kernels that can be found in a diverse collection of high-performance science applications. Performance for this important kernel is often highly correlated with the associated matrix sparsity, which, in turn, governs the computational granularity, and therefore, the efficiency of the memory system. In this paper, we propose to extend the current set of Kokkos profiling tools with an autotuner that can iterate over possible choices for thread-team size and vector width, taking advantage of runtime information, while, choosing the optimal parameters for a particular input. This approach allows an iterative application that calls the same kernel multiple times to continue to progress towards a solution while, at the same time, alleviating the burden from the application programmer of knowing details of the underlying hardware and accounting for variable inputs. We compare the autotuner approach against a fixed approach that attempts to use all the hardware resources all the time, and show that the optimal choice made by the autotuner is significantly different among the two latest classes of accelerator architectures. After 100 iterations we identify which subset of the matrices benefit from improved performance, while others are near the break-even point, where the overhead of the tool has been completely hidden. We highlight the properties of sparse matrices that can help determine when autotuning will be of benefit. Finally, we connect the overhead of the autotuner to specific sparsity patterns and hardware resources.
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