3I: A tool for visualizing and processing in parallel 2D & 3D images

Juan P.D’Amato, Maria V.Cifuentes, Pablo Lotito
Grupo de Mecanica Computacional, Universidad Nacional de Villa Carolina, Los Alerces 3492, 4200 Villa Carolina, Argentina


   title={3I: A tool for visualizing and processing in parallel 2D & 3D images},

   author={D\’Amato, J. and Cifuentes, M. and Lotito, P.},



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We present a tool for intensive processing of digital images based on graphics processing units (GPUs) and multi-core CPU. The tool incorporates innovative filters for the denoising and estimation of missing information in three-dimensional digital images. Both processes are integrated into a pipeline that repeatedly evaluates the image until a given convergence. Finally, 3D images are displayed using a ray-casting method.
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