GPU Acceleration of Near-Minimal Logic Minimization
Computer Science and Engineering, University of South Carolina, SC 29208
Symposium on Application Accelerators in High Performance Computing, 2010
title={GPU Acceleration of Near-Minimal Logic Minimization},
author={Savran, I. and Bakos, J.D.},
booktitle={Application Accelerators in High Performance Computing, 2010 Symposium, Papers},
In this paper, we describe a GPU-accelerated implementation of a logic minimization heuristic based on the near minimal approach. This algorithm has three key kernel computations, and the current version of our implementation, we adapted one of these kernels for GPU execution. In this paper we report our results gained from using NVIDIA’s CUDA development framework and an NVIDIA Tesla GPUs, achieving a nearly 10X speedup as compared to a software implementation executed on a Xeon 5500-series processor.
February 18, 2011 by hgpu