Practical Pre-stack Kirchhoff Time Migration of Seismic Processing on General Purpose GPU

Xiaohua Shi, Xu Wang, Changhai Zhao, Haiyan Yang
School of Computer Science, Beihang University, Beijing, China
WRI World Congress on Computer Science and Information Engineering, 2009


   title={Practical Pre-stack Kirchhoff Time Migration of Seismic Processing on General Purpose GPU},

   author={Shi, X. and Wang, X. and Zhao, C. and Yang, H.},

   booktitle={Computer Science and Information Engineering, 2009 WRI World Congress on},






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In this paper, we introduced three prototypes of GPGPU solutions on NVidia GeForce8800GT for a practical Pre-stack Kirchhoff Time Migration program. We presented how to re-design and re-implement the original CPU code to efficiency GPU code. The prototypes are more than at most 7.2 times faster than its CPU version on Intel’s P4 3.0G.
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