Accelerating Smith-Waterman on Heterogeneous CPU-GPU Systems
Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee Roorkee, India
5th International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedical Engineering, (iCBBE) 2011
title={Accelerating Smith-Waterman on Heterogeneous CPU-GPU Systems},
author={Singh, J. and Aruni, I.},
booktitle={Bioinformatics and Biomedical Engineering,(iCBBE) 2011 5th International Conference on},
This paper describes the approach and the speedup obtained in performing Smith-Waterman database searches on heterogeneous platforms comprising of multi core CPU and multi GPU systems. Most of the advanced and optimized Smith-Waterman algorithm versions have demonstrated remarkable speedup over NCBI BLAST versions, viz., SWPS3 based on x86 SSE2 instructions and CUDASW++ v2.0 CUDA implementation on GPU. This work proposes a hybrid Smith-Waterman algorithm that integrates the state-of-the art CPU and GPU solutions for accelerating Smith-Waterman algorithm in which GPU acts as a co-processor and shares the workload with the CPU enabling us to realize remarkable performance of over 70 GCUPS resulting from simultaneous CPU-GPU execution. In this work, both CPU and GPU are graded equally in performance for Smith-Waterman rather than previous approaches of porting the computationally intensive portions onto the GPUs or a naive multi-core CPU approach.
June 24, 2011 by hgpu