Fast hough transform on GPUs: exploration of algorithm trade-offs
Dept. of Electrical Engineering, Electronic Systems Group, Eindhoven University of Technology, The Netherlands
Advances Concepts for Intelligent Vision Systems, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Volume 6915/2011, 611-622, 2011
title={Fast hough transform on GPUs: exploration of algorithm trade-offs},
author={van den Braak, G.J. and Nugteren, C. and Mesman, B. and Corporaal, H.},
journal={Advances Concepts for Intelligent Vision Systems},
The Hough transform is a commonly used algorithm to detect lines and other features in images. It is robust to noise and occlusion, but has a large computational cost. This paper introduces two new implementations of the Hough transform for lines on a GPU. One focuses on minimizing processing time, while the other has an input-data independent processing time. Our results show that optimizing the GPU code for speed can achieve a speed-up over naive GPU code of about 10x. The implementation which focuses on processing speed is the faster one for most images, but the implementation which achieves a constant processing time is quicker for about 20% of the images.
November 25, 2011 by hgpu