GPU Pathfinding Optimization

Adonis Silva, Fernando Rocha, Artur Santos, Geber Ramalho, Veronica Teichrieb
Federal University of Pernambuco, Center of Informatics – CIn, Brazil
X Brazilian Symposium on Computer Games and Digital Entertainment (SBC 2011), 2011


   title={GPU Pathfinding Optimization},

   author={Santos, A.S.F.R.A. and Teichrieb, G.R.V.},



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In recent years, graphics processing units (GPUs) have shown a significant advance of computational resources available for the use of non-graphical applications. The ability to solve problems involving parallel computing as well as the development of new architectures that supports this new paradigm, such as CUDA, has encouraged the use of GPU for general purpose applications, especially in games. Some parallel tasks which were CPU based are being ported over to the GPU due to theirs superior performance. One of these tasks is the pathfinding of an agent over a game map, which has already achieved a better performance on GPU, but is still limited. This paper describes some optimizations to a GPU pathfinding implementation, addressing a larger work set (agents and nodes) with good performance.
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