Oct, 9
Benchmarking optimization algorithms for auto-tuning GPU kernels
Recent years have witnessed phenomenal growth in the application, and capabilities of Graphical Processing Units (GPUs) due to their high parallel computation power at relatively low cost. However, writing a computationally efficient GPU program (kernel) is challenging, and generally only certain specific kernel configurations lead to significant increases in performance. Auto-tuning is the process of […]
Oct, 9
Performance portability study of epistasis detection using SYCL on NVIDIA GPU
We describe the experience of converting a CUDA implementation of a high-order epistasis detection algorithm to SYCL. The goals are for our work to be useful to application and compiler developers with a detailed description of migration paths between CUDA and SYCL. Evaluating the CUDA and SYCL applications on an NVIDIA V100 GPU, we find […]
Oct, 9
cuZK: Accelerating Zero-Knowledge Proof with A Faster Parallel Multi-Scalar Multiplication Algorithm on GPUs
Zero-knowledge proof (ZKP) is a critical cryptographic protocol, and it has been deployed in various privacy-preserving applications such as cryptocurrencies and verifiable machine learning. Unfortunately, ZKP has a high overhead on its proof generation step, which consists of several time-consuming operations, including large-scale matrix-vector multiplication (MUL), number-theoretic transform (NTT), and multi-scalar multiplication (MSM) on elliptic […]
Oct, 2
An OpenCL-Based FPGA Accelerator for Faster R-CNN
In recent years, convolutional neural network (CNN)-based object detection algorithms have made breakthroughs, and much of the research corresponds to hardware accelerator designs. Although many previous works have proposed efficient FPGA designs for one-stage detectors such as Yolo, there are still few accelerator designs for faster regions with CNN features (Faster R-CNN) algorithms. Moreover, CNN’s […]
Oct, 2
MSREP: A Fast yet Light Sparse Matrix Framework for Multi-GPU Systems
Sparse linear algebra kernels play a critical role in numerous applications, covering from exascale scientific simulation to large-scale data analytics. Offloading linear algebra kernels on one GPU will no longer be viable in these applications, simply because the rapidly growing data volume may exceed the memory capacity and computing power of a single GPU. Multi-GPU […]
Oct, 2
Efficient Quantized Sparse Matrix Operations on Tensor Cores
The exponentially growing model size drives the continued success of deep learning, but it brings prohibitive computation and memory cost. From the algorithm perspective, model sparsification and quantization have been studied to alleviate the problem. From the architecture perspective, hardware vendors provide Tensor cores for acceleration. However, it is very challenging to gain practical speedups […]
Oct, 2
Early Application Experiences on a Modern GPU-Accelerated Arm-based HPC Platform
This paper assesses and reports the experience of eleven application teams working to build, validate, and benchmark several HPC applications on a novel GPU-accelerated Arm testbed. The testbed consists of the latest, at time of writing, Arm Devkits from NVIDIA with server-class Arm CPUs and NVIDIA A100 GPUs. The applications and mini-apps are written using […]
Oct, 2
Exploiting dynamic sparse matrices for performance portable linear algebra operations
Sparse matrices and linear algebra are at the heart of scientific simulations. More than 70 sparse matrix storage formats have been developed over the years, targeting a wide range of hardware architectures and matrix types. Each format is developed to exploit the particular strengths of an architecture, or the specific sparsity patterns of matrices, and […]
Sep, 11
Direct GPU Compilation and Execution for Host Applications with OpenMP Parallelism
Currently, offloading to accelerators requires users to identify which regions are to be executed on the device, what memory needs to be transferred, and how synchronization is to be resolved. On top of these manual tasks, many standard (C/C++ library) functions, such as file I/O or memory manipulation, cannot be directly executed on the device […]
Sep, 11
EnergonAI: An Inference System for 10-100 Billion Parameter Transformer Models
Large transformer models display promising performance on a wide range of natural language processing (NLP) tasks. Although the AI community has expanded the model scale to the trillion parameter level, the practical deployment of 10-100 billion parameter models is still uncertain due to the latency, throughput, and memory constraints. In this paper, we proposed EnergonAI […]
Sep, 11
Sgap: Towards Efficient Sparse Tensor Algebra Compilation for GPU
Sparse compiler is a promising solution for sparse tensor algebra optimization. In compiler implementation, reduction in sparse-dense hybrid algebra plays a key role in performance. Though GPU provides various reduction semantics that can better utilize the parallel computing and memory bandwidth capacity, the central question is: how to elevate the flexible reduction semantics to sparse […]
Sep, 11
SCALSALE: Scalable SALE Benchmark Framework for Supercomputers
Supercomputers worldwide provide the necessary infrastructure for groundbreaking research. However, most supercomputers are not designed equally due to different desired figure of merit, which is derived from the computational bounds of the targeted scientific applications’ portfolio. In turn, the design of such computers becomes an optimization process that strives to achieve the best performances possible […]