
Sep, 24

Evaluation of autoparallelization toolkits for commodity graphics hardware

In this paper we evaluate the performance of the OpenACC and Mint toolkits against C and CUDA implementations of the standard PolyBench test suite. Our analysis reveals that performance is similar in many cases, but that a certain set of code constructs impede the ability of Mint to generate optimal code. We then present some […]
Sep, 24

Pipeline strategies to accelerate range query processing on a multi-GPU environment

Nowadays, similarity search is becoming a field of increasing interest because these kinds of methods can be applied to different areas in computer science and engineering, such as voice and image recognition, text retrieval, and many others. However, when processing large volumes of data, query response time can be quite high. In this case, it […]
Sep, 24

Realtime Deformation of Constrained Meshes Using GPU

Constrained meshes play an important role in freeform architectural design, as they can represent panel layouts on freeform surfaces. It is challenging to perform realtime manipulation on such meshes, because all constraints need to be respected during the deformation while the shape quality needs to be maintained. This usually leads to nonlinear constrained optimization problems, […]
Sep, 24

Parallel multi-agent path planning in dynamic environments for real-time applications

Current pathplanning algorithms are not efficient enough to provide optimal pathplanning in dynamic environments for a large number of agents in real time. Furthermore, there are no real-time algorithms that fully use the potential of parallelism. The goal of this thesis is to find a basis for such an algorithm. Based on the literature study, […]
Sep, 24

GPU Based Massive Parallel Kawasaki Kinetics In Monte Carlo Modelling of Lipid Microdomains

This paper introduces novel method of simulation of lipid biomembranes based on Metropolis Hastings algorithm and Graphic Processing Unit computational power. Method gives up to 55 times computational boost in comparison to classical computations. Extensive study of algorithm correctness is provided. Analysis of simulation results and results obtained with classical simulation methodologies are presented.
Sep, 23

Performance of OpenCL

OpenCL is a relatively new standard that supports computation on a variety of parallel architectures. The author was unable to find reliable information about performance of OpenCL programs on CPU’s in comparison to traditional parallel processing standards like OpenMP. This paper describes the results of an experiment that tries to answer the following question: "Which […]
Sep, 23

Multi-GPU Acceleration of Black-Scholes Equation based Option Pricing

In high-frequency trading of option, "milliseconds earn or lose millions", the computational speed of predicting option price is the crucial factor for option traders to efficiently decide the price and evaluate the corresponding risk.Black-Scholes equation is a mathematical equation describing the option pricing over time. Multi-GPU is a recently developed platform for high-performance computing, which […]
Sep, 23

Improving Resource Utilization in Heterogeneous CPU-GPU Systems

Graphics processing units (GPUs) have attracted enormous interest over the past decade due to substantial increases in both performance and programmability. Programmers can potentially leverage GPUs for substantial performance gains, but at the cost of significant software engineering effort. In practice, most GPU applications do not effectively utilize all of the available resources in a […]
Sep, 23

BenchFriend: Correlating the Performance of GPU Benchmarks

Graphics processing units (GPUs) have become an important platform for general-purpose computing, thanks to their high parallel throughput and high memory bandwidth. GPUs present significantly different architectures from CPUs and require specific mappings and optimizations to achieve high performance. This makes GPU workloads demonstrate application characteristics different from those of CPU workloads. It is critical […]
Sep, 23

Processing MPI Derived Datatypes on Noncontiguous GPU-Resident Data

Driven by the goals of efficient and generic communication of noncontiguous data layouts in GPU memory, for which solutions do not currently exist, we present a parallel, noncontiguous data-processing methodology through the MPI datatypes specification. Our processing algorithm utilizes a kernel on the GPU to pack arbitrary noncontiguous GPU data by enriching the datatypes encoding […]
Sep, 22

Accelerating Habanero-Java Programs with OpenCL Generation

The initial wave of programming models for general-purpose computing on GPUs, led by CUDA and OpenCL, has provided experts with low-level constructs to obtain significant performance and energy improvements on GPUs. However, these programming models are characterized by a challenging learning curve for non-experts due to their complex and low-level APIs. Looking to the future, […]
Sep, 22

Investigating the Performance of Motion Estimation Block-Matching Algorithms on GPU Cards

In the field of video compression, motion estimation (ME) is a process that leads to high computational complexity. Implementation of ME block-matching (BM) algorithms on general purpose Central Processing Unit (CPU), has resulted in poor performance. In this paper we investigate the performance of two BM ME algorithms: Three Step Search (TSS) and Four Step […]

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