Aug, 15
First experiences with the Intel MIC architecture at LRZ
With the rapidly growing demand for computing power new accelerator based architectures have entered the world of high performance computing since around 5 years. In particular GPGPUs have recently become very popular, however programming GPGPUs using programming languages like CUDA or OpenCL is cumbersome and error-prone. Trying to overcome these difficulties, Intel developed their own […]
Aug, 15
Detecting Data Races on OpenCL Kernels with Symbolic Execution
We present an automatic analysis technique for checking data races on OpenCL kernels. Our method defines symbolic execution techniques based on separation logic with suitable abstractions to automatically detect non-benign racy behaviours on kernels.
Aug, 14
Lattice Boltzmann Method for Simulating Turbulent Flows
The lattice Boltzmann method (LBM) is a relatively new method for fluid flow simulations, and is recently gaining popularity due to its simple algorithm and parallel scalability. Although the method has been successfully applied to a wide range of flow physics, its capabilities in simulating turbulent flow is still under-validated. Hence, in this project, a […]
Aug, 14
The Yin and Yang of Processing Data Warehousing Queries on GPU Devices
Database community has made significant research efforts to optimize query processing on GPUs in the past few years. However, we can hardly find that GPUs have been truly adopted in major warehousing production systems. Preparing to merge GPUs to the warehousing systems, we have identified and addressed several critical issues in a three-dimensional study of […]
Aug, 14
GPU Acceleration of a Basket Option Pricing Engine
One of the most important methods for pricing complex derivatives is Monte Carlo simulation. However, this method requires a large amount of computing resources for accurate estimates. Since Monte Carlo simulations used in derivatives pricing are often parallelisable, one way to reduce the computing time is to use GPUs, which allow many copies of the […]
Aug, 14
A Haptic Device Interface for Medical Simulations using OpenCL
The project evaluates how well a haptic device can be used to interact with a visualization of volumetric data. Since the interface to the haptic device require explicit surface descriptions, triangles had to be constructed from the volumetric data. The algorithm used to extract these triangles is marching cubes. The triangles produced by marching cubes […]
Aug, 14
An Automated Video Surveillance System Using Viewpoint Feature Histogram and CUDA-enabled GPUs
This paper presents an automated video surveillance system which deals with content monitoring and activity change in the environment. We use Viewpoint Feature Histogram, an image descriptor for object recognition and pose estimation for purpose of monitoring in the surveillance system. In order to enhance the performance of the system, we exploit the GPU architecture […]
Aug, 13
Exploiting the Parallelism of Heterogeneous Systems using Dataflow Graphs on Top of OpenCL
Programming heterogeneous systems has been greatly simplified by OpenCL, which provides a common low-level API for a large variety of compute devices. However, many low-level details, including data transfer, task scheduling, or synchronization, must still be managed by the application designer. Often, it is desirable to program heterogeneous systems in a higher-level language, making the […]
Aug, 13
Speech Recognition on Multi-Core Processors and GPUs
The speed of processors has remained stable over the past few years. The trend may even be towards slower speeds in order to satisfy the ever increasing demands of energy efficiency. This tendency is already apparent in the area of mobile devices. In order to take full advantage of the processing power offered by modern […]
Aug, 13
Barrier Invariants: A Shared State Abstraction for the Analysis of Data-Dependent GPU Kernels
Data-dependent GPU kernels, whose data or control flow are dependent on the input of the program, are difficult to verify because they require reasoning about shared state manipulated by many parallel threads. Existing verification techniques for GPU kernels achieve soundness and scalability by using a two-thread reduction and making the contents of the shared state […]
Aug, 13
Executing Process Networks on Heterogeneous Platforms using OpenCL
Upcoming heterogeneous systems ask for new programming paradigms. Abstracting the underlying hardware architecture is desirable in order to support productive software development. This thesis proposes a design flow and runtime-system for executing process networks on heterogeneous systems using OpenCL. Process networks are a popular model of computation for deterministic parallel programming and OpenCL is a […]
Aug, 13
Achieving Speedup in Aggregate Risk Analysis using Multiple GPUs
Stochastic simulation techniques employed for the analysis of portfolios of insurance/reinsurance risk, often referred to as `Aggregate Risk Analysis’, can benefit from exploiting state-of-the-art high-performance computing platforms. In this paper, parallel methods to speed-up aggregate risk analysis for supporting real-time pricing are explored. An algorithm for analysing aggregate risk is proposed and implemented for multi-core […]