Mar, 16
Forensics on GPU Coprocessing in Databases – Research Challenges, First Experiments, and Countermeasures
Recently, using GPUs for coprocessing in database systems has been shown to be beneficial. However, information systems processing confidential data cannot benefit from GPU acceleration yet because knowledge of security issues and forensicexaminations on GPUs are still fragmentary. In this paper, we point out key challenges and research questions related to forensics and anti-forensics on […]
Mar, 16
Efficiency of Parallelization of Neural Network Algorithm on Graphic Cards
In this paper we are testing the efficiency of parallelization with use of graphic cards. There are many applications where such systems occurs in common, so we choose the domain of artificial neural networks. Actually sold graphic cards gives us strong potential in speeding up calculations and card vendors provide us with even more, giving […]
Mar, 16
Astronomical Photometric Data Reduction Using GPGPU
Astronomical photometry is one of the sciences, that benefit from the recent technological development in order to augment the quality and the quantity of the processed data. The planned projects, such as the European SOLARIS and the American LSST promises to generate the amount of data that will be a challenge for modern astronomical data […]
Mar, 16
Exploring power efficiency and optimizations targeting heterogeneous applications
Graphics processing units (GPUs) have become widely accepted as the computing platform of choice in many high performance computing domains, due to the potential for approaching or exceeding the performance of a large cluster of CPUs for many parallel applications. The availability of programming standards such as OpenCL makes the use of GPUs even more […]
Mar, 15
iTree: Exploring Time-Varying Data using Indexable Tree
Significant advances have been made in time-varying data analysis and visualization, mainly in improving our ability to identify temporal trends and classify the underlying data. However, the ability to perform cost-effective data querying and indexing is often not incorporated, which posts a serious limitation as the size of timevarying data continue to grow. In this […]
Mar, 15
Real-time Rendering of Melting Objects in Video Games
We present a method for simulating the melting and flowing of material in burning objects fast enough to be of use in video games where most of the graphical and computational resources are needed elsewhere. The standard practice of using particle engines or fluid dynamics for melting are far too costly for use in this […]
Mar, 15
Convergence and Scalarization for Data-Parallel Architectures
Modern throughput processors such as GPUs achieve high performance and efficiency by exploiting data parallelism in application kernels expressed as threaded code. One drawback of this approach compared to conventional vector architectures is redundant execution of instructions that are common across multiple threads, resulting in energy inefficiency due to excess instruction dispatch, register file accesses, […]
Mar, 15
Prius: A Runtime for Hybrid Computing
Prius is a framework for seamless execution of OpenCL programs across integrated, heterogeneous systems. Applications interfacing with Prius need not be aware of the characteristics of the hardware; instead the framework will automatically map kernel executions to suitable processors at run-time. The modular nature of the framework allows easy evaluation of new mapping strategies.
Mar, 15
Input-Aware Auto-Tuning for Directive-based GPU Programming
The difficulties posed by GPGPU programming and the need to increase productivity have guided research towards directive-based high-level programs for accelerators. This effort has led to the definition of the OpenACC industry standard. It significantly simplifies writing code for graphics engines leaving the programmer the opportunity to tune the application for the target hardware and […]
Mar, 14
Simulation of a flowing snow avalanche using molecular dynamics
This paper presents an approach for modelling and simulation of a flowing snow avalanche, which is formed of dry and liquefied snow that slides down a slope, by using molecular dynamics and discrete element method. A particle system is utilized as a base method for the simulation and marching cubes with real-time shaders are employed […]
Mar, 14
Selection of Task Implementations in the Nanos++ Runtime
New heterogeneous systems and hardware accelerators can give higher levels of computational power to high performance computers. However, this does not come for free, since the more heterogeneity the system presents, the more complex becomes the programming task in terms of resource utilization. OmpSs is a task-based programming model and framework focused on the automatic […]
Mar, 14
Automated and interactive approaches for optimal surface finding based segmentation of medical image data
Optimal surface finding (OSF), a graph-based optimization approach to image segmentation, represents a powerful framework for medical image segmentation and analysis. In many applications, a pre-segmentation is required to enable OSF graph construction. Also, the cost function design is critical for the success of OSF. In this thesis, two issues in the context of OSF […]