Nov, 19
Accelerated molecular dynamics force evaluation on graphics processing units for thermal conductivity calculations
In this paper, we develop a highly efficient molecular dynamics code fully implemented on graphics processing units for thermal conductivity calculations using the Green-Kubo formula. We compare two different schemes for force evaluation, a previously used thread-scheme where a single thread is used for one particle and each thread calculates the total force for the […]
Nov, 18
Auto-tunable GPU BLAS (thesis)
In this paper, we present our implementation of an Auto tuning system, written in C++, which incorporate the use of OpenCL kernels. We deploy this approach on different GPU architectures, evaluating the performance of the approach. Our main focus is to easily generate tuned code, that would otherwise require a large amount of empirical testing, […]
Nov, 18
Facial Recognition Using Neural Networks over GPGPU
This article introduces a parallel neural network approach implemented over Graphic Processing Units (GPU) to solve a facial recognition problem, which consists in deciding where the face of a person in a certain image is pointing. The proposed method uses the parallel capabilities of GPU in order to train and evaluate a neural network used […]
Nov, 18
Real-Time Hair Simulation and Rendering with OpenCL and OpenGL
In computer graphics, human hair simulation represents a challenging issue, and is still an active research subject nowadays. The problem comprises two complementary dimensions: the physical simulation and the rendering. While both aspects must be treated individually for each strand, they must also be treated globally due to interactions between hair strands. Because of the […]
Nov, 18
Using Graphics Processing Units to Parallelize the FDK Algorithm for Tomographic Image Reconstruction
The paper presents the implementation of a parallel version of FDK (Felkamp, David e Kress) algorithm using graphics processing units. Discussion was briefly some elements the computed tomographic scan and FDK algorithm; and some ideas about GPUs (Graphics Processing Units) and its use in general purpose computing were presented. The paper shows a computational implementation […]
Nov, 18
GPU-Based Airway Tree Segmentation and Centerline Extraction
Lung cancer is one of the deadliest and most common types of cancer in Norway. Early and precise diagnosis is crucial for improving the survivalrate. Diagnosis is often done by extracting a tissue sample in the lung throughthe mouth and throat. It is difficult to navigate to the tissue because of thecomplexity of the airways […]
Nov, 18
High locality and increased intra-node parallelism for solving finite element models on GPUs by novel element-by-element implementation
The utilization of Graphical Processing Units (GPUs) for the element-by-element (EbE) finite element method (FEM) is demonstrated. EbE FEM is a long known technique, by which a conjugate gradient (CG) type iterative solution scheme can be entirely decomposed into computations on the element level, i.e., without assembling the global system matrix. In our implementation, NVIDIA’s […]
Nov, 18
Lattice Boltzmann Simulations on a GPU: An optimization approach using C++ AMP
The lattice Boltzmann method has become a valuable tool in computational fluid dynamics, one of the reasons is due to the simplicity of its coding. In order to maximize the performance potential of today’s computers, code has to be optimized for parallel execution. In order to achieve parallel execution of the lattice Boltzmann method, the […]
Nov, 18
Accelerating convolutions on the sphere with hybrid GPU/CPU kernel splitting
We present a general method for accelerating by more than an order of magnitude the convolution of pixelated function on the sphere with a radially-symmetric kernel. Our method splits the kernel into a compact real-space, and a compact spherical harmonic space component that can then be convolved in parallel using an inexpensive commodity GPU and […]
Nov, 18
Accelerating SystemC Simulations using GPUs
Recent developments in graphics processing unit (GPU) technology has invigorated an interest in using GPUs for accelerating the simulation of SystemC models. SystemC is extensively used for design space exploration, and early performance analysis of hardware systems. SystemC’s reference implementation of the simulation kernel supports a single-threaded simulation kernel. However, modern computing platforms offer substantially […]
Nov, 18
Exploiting Coarse-grained Parallelism in B+ Tree Searches on an APU
B+ tree structured index searches are one of the fundamental database operations and hence, accelerating them is essential. GPUs provide a compelling mix of performance per watt and performance per dollar, and thus are an attractive platform for accelerating B+ tree searches. However, tree search on discrete GPUs presents significant challenges for acceleration due to […]
Nov, 16
Parallel implementations of the MinMin heterogeneous computing scheduler in GPU
This work presents parallel implementations of the MinMin scheduling heuristic for heterogeneous computing using Graphic Processing Units, in order to improve its computational efficiency. The experimental evaluation of the four proposed MinMin variants demonstrates that a significant reduction on the computing times can be attained, allowing to tackle large scheduling scenarios in reasonable execution times.