Aug, 2
Accelerating Pathology Image Data Cross-Comparison on CPU-GPU Hybrid Systems
As an important application of spatial databases in pathology imaging analysis, cross-comparing the spatial boundaries of a huge amount of segmented micro-anatomic objects demands extremely data- and compute-intensive operations, requiring high throughput at an affordable cost. However, the performance of spatial database systems has not been satisfactory since their implementations of spatial operations cannot fully […]
Aug, 2
A GPU-Computing Approach to Solar Stokes Profile Inversion
We present a new computational approach to the inversion of solar photospheric Stokes polarization profiles, under the Milne-Eddington model, for vector magnetography. Our code, named GENESIS (GENEtic Stokes Inversion Strategy), employs multi-threaded parallel-processing techniques to harness the computing power of graphics processing units GPUs, along with algorithms designed to exploit the inherent parallelism of the […]
Aug, 1
Interference-driven resource management for GPU-based heterogeneous clusters
GPU-based clusters are increasingly being deployed in HPC environments to accelerate a variety of scientific applications. Despite their growing popularity, the GPU devices themselves are under-utilized even for many computationally-intensive jobs. This stems from the fact that the typical GPU usage model is one in which a host processor periodically offloads computationally intensive portions of […]
Aug, 1
GPU merge path: a GPU merging algorithm
Graphics Processing Units (GPUs) have become ideal candidates for the development of fine-grain parallel algorithms as the number of processing elements per GPU increases. In addition to the increase in cores per system, new memory hierarchies and increased bandwidth have been developed that allow for significant performance improvement when computation is performed using certain types […]
Aug, 1
New Sparse Matrix Storage Format to Improve The Performance of Total SPMV Time
Graphics Processing Units (GPUs) are massive data parallel processors. High performance comes only at the cost of identifying data parallelism in the applications while using data parallel processors like GPU. This is an easy effort for applications that have regular memory access and high computation intensity. GPUs are equally attractive for sparse matrix vector multiplications […]
Aug, 1
High-Level Manipulation of OpenCL-Based Subvectors and Submatrices
High-level C++ proxies for the convenient manipulation of subvectors and submatrices on OpenCL-enabled devices are introduced. It is demonstrated that the programming convenience of standard host-based code can be retained using native C++ language features only, even if massively parallel computing architectures such as graphics processing units are employed. The required modifications of the underlying […]
Aug, 1
GPU-Accelerated Non-negative Matrix Factorization for Text Mining
An implementation of the non-negative matrix factorization algorithm for the purpose of text mining on graphics processing units is presented. Performance gains of more than one order of magnitude are obtained.
Jul, 31
accULL: An User-directed Approach to Heterogeneous Programming
The world of HPC is undergoing rapid changes and computer architectures capable to achieve high performance have broadened. The irruption in the scene of computational accelerators, like GPUs, is increasing performance while maintaining low cost per GFLOP, thus expanding the popularity of HPC. However, it is still difficult to exploit the new complex processor hierarchies. […]
Jul, 31
Parallel programming on GPU using Intel Array Building Blocks
The goal of this project is to demonstrate Parallel Programming on a GPU using the latest Intel technology called Intel Array Building Blocks (Intel ArBB). The main aim is to describe the programming model of Intel ArBB and show effectiveness of the new technology, Intel ArBB on a GPU environment using examples. Parallel Programming is […]
Jul, 31
On Binaural Spatialization and the Use of GPGPU for Audio Processing
3D recordings and audio, namely techniques that aim to create the perception of sound sources placed anywhere in 3 dimensional space, are becoming an interesting resource for composers, live performances and augmented reality. This thesis focuses on binaural spatialization techniques. We will tackle the problem from three different perspectives. The first one is related to […]
Jul, 31
Application of the Mean Field Methods to MRF Optimization in Computer Vision
The mean field (MF) methods are an energy optimization method for Markov random fields (MRFs). These methods, which have their root in solid state physics, estimate the marginal density of each site of an MRF graph by iterative computation, similarly to loopy belief propagation (LBP). It appears that, being shadowed by LBP, the MF methods […]
Jul, 31
MCMini: Monte Carlo on GPGPU
MCMini is a proof of concept that demonstrates the possibility for Monte Carlo neutron transport using OpenCL with a focus on performance. This implementation, written in C, shows that tracing particles and calculating reactions on a 3D mesh can be done in a highly scalable fashion. These results demonstrate a potential path forward for MCNP […]