Jan, 3
Robust Edge Detection and GPU-Based Smoothing for Extracting Surface Primitives from Range Images
It is important to construct 3D virtual models of man-made fields in which people work and live. Recent mid-range and long-range laser scanners can be used to acquire 3D shapes of cities, buildings, factories, heavy goods, transportation infrastructure, and so on. However, they tend to produce outliers and very noisy points near silhouettes and sharp […]
Jan, 2
Process Time Comparison between GPU and CPU
This report discusses a CUDA program to compare process times on a GPU and a CPU for a range of task size. The hardware compared are the NVIDIA Tesla C870 GPU and the quad-core Intel Xeon E5410 CPU. The operation is to compute the square root of an array. Due to GPU restrictions, the array […]
Jan, 2
A GPU-based platform for cancer-treatment planning
In radiotherapy, dose calculation is one of the most important and computationally intensive stages needed in a cancer treatment planning. During current clinical cancer treatment, the dose is calculated before the first treatment session and it will continue until the end of the therapy. However, tumours may change during the treatment and it is needed […]
Jan, 2
Linear Solvers for Stable Fluids: GPU vs CPU
Fluid simulation has been an active research field in computer graphics for the last 30 years. Stam’s stable fluids method, among others, is used for solving equations that govern fluids. This method solves a sparse linear system during the diffusion and move steps, using either relaxation methods (Jacobi, Gauss-Seidel, etc), Conjugate Gradient (and its variants), […]
Jan, 2
Performance of Implicit Solver Strategies on GPUs
The increasing power of GPUs can be used to solve systems of linear equations. This has already been shown for different application areas in CAE. In this paper an iterative solver has been ported to the GPU using the NVIDIA CUDA development system. The solver was intergated into the open source CFD system openFOAM. Performance […]
Jan, 2
CudaHull: Fast Parallel 3D Convex Hull on the GPU
In this paper we present a novel parallel algorithm for computing the convex hull of a set of points in 3D using CUDA programming model. It is based on the QuickHull approach and starts by constructing an initial tetrahedron using four extreme points, discards internal points, and distributes external points to the four faces. It […]
Jan, 2
Augmenting Operating Systems With the GPU
The most popular heterogeneous many-core platform, the CPU+GPU combination, has received relatively little attention in operating systems research. This platform is already widely deployed: GPUs can be found, in some form, in most desktop and laptop PCs. Used for more than just graphics processing, modern GPUs have proved themselves versatile enough to be adapted to […]
Jan, 2
Polly – Polyhedral optimization in LLVM
Various powerful polyhedral techniques exist to optimize computation intensive programs effectively. Applying these techniques on any non-trivial program is still surprisingly difficult and often not as effective as expected. Most polyhedral tools are limited to a specific programming language. Even for this language, relevant code needs to match specific syntax that rarely appears in existing […]
Jan, 2
Acceleration of real-life stencil codes on GPUs
Among the compute intensive applications, the FDTD (Finite-Difference-Time-Domain) allows to solve time-dependent differential equations. This method is commonly used in electromagnetism to find solutions to Maxwell equations. Although considered as powerful and flexible, the FDTD algorithm has the disadvantage of having a huge numerical dispersion due to nested loops, which are loops inside other loops […]
Jan, 2
Programming of shared memory GPUs shared memory systems
The concept of shared memory is known to engineers for a long time: a large block of memory shared between processors to allow for synchronization. But what if there where thousands of threads with hundreds of processors accessing a single memory block. This challenge is discussed in this paper. There are APIs used to program […]
Jan, 1
Large Speed Increase Using Novel GPU Based Algorithms to Simulate Cardiac Excitation Waves in a Rabbit Ventricle
Large-scale biophysically detailed computer models of the heart provide a useful tool to understand dynamics of cardiac excitation and mechanisms underlying lethal cardiac arrhythmias. However, high demanding of intensive high performance computing environments limits the practical application of such models. This paper presents a novel method using a desktop personal computer and the CUDA parallel […]
Jan, 1
Real-time GPU-based Simulation of Dynamic Terrain in Virtual Battlefield
The real-time simulation of dynamic terrain is a challenge region in computer graphics. This paper presents a GPU-based method for visualizing crater in virtual battlefield. Firstly, we introduce a novel physical model of crater, which has a direction depending on the direction of impacting force. Then, we encode the terrain data and deforming informations into […]