Nov, 27
Towards paradisEO-MO-GPU: a framework for GPU-based local search metaheuristics
This paper is a major step towards a pioneering software framework for the reusable design and implementation of parallel metaheuristics on Graphics Processing Units (GPU). The objective is to revisit the ParadisEO framework to allow its utilization on GPU accelerators. The focus is on local search metaheuristics and the parallel exploration of their neighborhood. The […]
Nov, 27
Overlapping Computation and Communication for Advection on Hybrid Parallel Computers
We describe computational experiments exploring the performance improvements from overlapping computation and communication on hybrid parallel computers. Our test case is explicit time integration of linear advection with constant uniform velocity in a three-dimensional periodic domain. The test systems include a Cray XT5, a Cray XE6, and two multicore Infiniband clusters with different generations of […]
Nov, 27
Numerical Precision and Benchmarking Very-High-Order Integration of Particle Dynamics on GPU Accelerators
GPUs offer a powerful acceleration platform for many scientific applications. Numerical integration of classical Newtonian dynamical particles often requires very high-order numerical accuracy. We assess the floating-point precision and performance of various GPUs for applications involving high-order time-step integration methods for particle model simulations using N-squared interactions. We demonstrate how high-order algorithms can be expressed […]
Nov, 27
GPU Implementation of Spiking Neural Networks for Color Image Segmentation
Spiking neural networks (SNN) are powerful computational model inspired by the human neural system for engineers and neuroscientists to simulate intelligent computation of the brain. Inspired by the visual system, various spiking neural network models have been used to process visual images. However, it is time-consuming to simulate a large scale of spiking neurons in […]
Nov, 27
A low-cost 3D human interface device using GPU-based optical flow algorithms
Except for a few cases, nowadays it is very common to find a camera embedded in a consumer grade laptop, notebook, mobile internet device (MID), mobile phone or handheld game console. Some of them also have a Graphic Processing Unit (GPU) to handle 3D graphics and other related tasks. This trend will probably continue in […]
Nov, 27
A GPU based Parallel Hierarchical Fuzzy ART Clustering
Hierarchical clustering is an important and powerful but computationally extensive operation. Its complexity motivates the exploration of highly parallel approaches such as Adaptive Resonance Theory (ART). Although ART has been implemented on GPU processors, this paper presents the first hierarchical ART GPU implementation we are aware of. Each ART layer is distributed in the GPU’s […]
Nov, 26
A New Compilation Path: From Python/NumPy to OpenCL
Jit4OpenCL is a new compiler that converts scientific applications written in Python/NumPy into OpenCL code. This compiler is based on unPython, an ahead-of-time compiler from Python/Numpy to an intermediate form and OpenMP code, and on jit4GPU, a just-in-time compiler that converts that intermediate code into AMD CAL code that is specific for AMD GPUs. The […]
Nov, 26
Symbolic Differentiation in GPU Shaders
Derivatives arise frequently in graphics and scientific computation applications. As GPU’s become more widely used for scientific computation the need for derivatives can be expected to increase. To meet this need we have added symbolic differentiation as a built in language feature in the HLSL shading language. The symbolic derivative is computed at compile time […]
Nov, 26
Iterative Solution of Linear Systems in Electromagnetics (and not only): Experiences with CUDA
In this paper, we propose the use of graphics processing units as a low-cost and efficient solution of electromagnetic (and other) numerical problems. Based on the software platform CUDA (Compute Unified Device Architecture), a solver for unstructured sparse matrices with double precision complex data has been implemented and tested for several practical cases. Benchmark results […]
Nov, 26
A framework for network traffic analysis using GPUs
During the last years the computer networks have become an important part of our society. Networks have kept growing in size and complexity, making more complex its management and traffic monitoring and analysis processes, due to the huge amount of data and calculations involved. In the last decade, several researchers found effective to use graphics […]
Nov, 26
Fast Hydraulic and Thermal Erosion on GPU
Computer games, TV series, movies, simulators, and many other computer graphics applications use external scenes where a realistic looking terrain is a vital part of the viewing experience. Creating such terrains is a challenging task. In this paper we propose a method that generates realistic virtual terrains by simulation of hydraulic and thermal erosion on […]
Nov, 26
A Short Note on Gaussian Process Modeling for Large Datasets using Graphics Processing Units
The graphics processing unit (GPU) has emerged as a powerful and cost effective processor for high performance computing. GPUs are capable of an order of magnitude more floating point operations per second as compared to modern central processing units (CPUs), and thus provide a great deal of promise for computationally intensive statistical applications (Brodtkorb et […]