
Nov, 28

Compute-unified device architecture implementation of a block-matching algorithm for multiple graphical processing unit cards

We describe and evaluate a fast implementation of a classical block-matching motion estimation algorithm for multiple graphical processing units (GPUs) using the compute unified device architecture computing engine. The implemented block-matching algorithm uses summed absolute difference error criterion and full grid search (FS) for finding optimal block displacement. In this evaluation, we compared the execution […]
Nov, 28

Anytime Algorithms for GPU Architectures

Most algorithms are run-to-completion and provide one answer upon completion and no answer if interrupted before completion. On the other hand, anytime algorithms have a monotonic increasing utility with the length of execution time. Our investigation focuses on the development of time-bounded anytime algorithms on Graphics Processing Units (GPUs) to trade-off the quality of output […]
Nov, 28

A hybrid parallel framework for computational solid mechanics

A novel, hybrid parallel C++ framework for computational solid mechanics is developed and presented. The modular and extensible design of this framework allows it to support a wide variety of numerical schemes including discontinuous Galerkin formulations and higher order methods, multiphysics problems, hybrid meshes made of different types of elements and a number of different […]
Nov, 28

Molecular Dynamics Simulation Based on Hadoop MapReduce

Molecular Dynamics (MD) simulation is a computationally intensive application used in multiple fields. It can exploit a distributed environment due to inherent computational parallelism. However, most of the existing implementations focus on performance enhancement. They may not provide fault-tolerance for every time-step. MapReduce is a framework first proposed by Google for processing huge amounts of […]
Nov, 28

Computation of the Spatial Impulse Response for Ultrasonic Fields on the Graphics Processing Units (GPU)

The goal of the internship was to develop a linear wave-based simulation of ultrasonic fields. The theory was based on the Tupholme-Stepanishen formalism explained in the Jensen course for calculating pulsed ultrasound field. The Field II Simulation Program developed at the Technical University of Denmark does that simulation but the program runs slowly due to […]
Nov, 28

Efficient Parallel Nonnegative Least Squares on Multicore Architectures

We parallelize a version of the active-set iterative algorithm derived from the original works of Lawson and Hanson [Solving Least Squares Problems, Prentice-Hall, 1974] on multicore architectures. This algorithm requires the solution of an unconstrained least squares problem in every step of the iteration for a matrix composed of the passive columns of the original […]
Nov, 28

Parallel Pseudo-Random Number Generation

This is a preliminary report on parallel pseudo-random number generation. It was written under tight time constraints, so makes no claim to being an exhaustive survey of the field, which is already extensive, and in a state of flux as new computer architectures are introduced.
Nov, 28

Domain-Specific Optimizations Supporting Real-Time Image Compression

The work focuses on utilization of massivelly parallel processors for image compression acceleration. The text of the work studies GPU architecture, common GPU programming frameworks, and domain specific languages providing higher-level programming abstraction. The aim of the PhD thesis is to contribute to the effective software development for massively parallel processors through a domain specific […]
Nov, 27

Assembly of finite element methods on graphics processors

Recently, graphics processing units (GPUs) have had great success in accelerating many numerical computations. We present their application to computations on unstructured meshes such as those in finite element methods. Multiple approaches in assembling and solving sparse linear systems with NVIDIA GPUs and the Compute Unified Device Architecture (CUDA) are created and analyzed. Multiple strategies […]
Nov, 27

Computing room acoustics with CUDA-3D FDTD schemes with boundary losses and viscosity

In seeking to model realistic room acoustics, direct numerical simulation can be employed. This paper presents 3D Finite Difference Time Domain schemes that incorporate losses at boundaries and due to the viscosity of air. These models operate within a virtual room designed on a detailed floor plan. The schemes are computed at 44.1kHz, using large-scale […]
Nov, 27

A GPU-based Simulation for Stochastic Computing

Stochastic computing performs operations using streams of bits that represent probability values instead of deterministic values. An important benefit of stochastic computing is that it can tolerate a large number of failures in a noisy system. Additionally, for the VLSI implementation of a sophisticated algorithm, a stochastic implementation can consume much less hardware with lower […]
Nov, 27

Scalable Multi-Cache Simulation Using GPUs

Software simulation is the primary tool used for evaluation of processor design. Simulation offers better accuracy than analytical models and is an important evaluation step before actually fabricating a chip. Unfortunately, simulator speeds are slow — a conventional cycle-accurate simulator will be unable to keep up with increasing core counts in modern processor design. Parallel […]

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