May, 3
Interactive Two-sided Refraction for Dynamic Object on GPU
This paper introduces an approach to interactively compute two-sided refraction on GPU and gains comparable realistic effects with ray tracing, while most current interactive techniques are restricted to single refraction. Our approach is also efficient for total internal reflection (TIR). When processing rigid movable object, we render the object’s normal to a cube map first […]
May, 3
Real-Time Animating and Rendering of Large Scale Grass Scenery on GPU
A method for animating and rendering large grass scenery in real-time is presented. The grass scenery consists of geometry-based grass blades and image-based quads covered with clumps of grass texture. Geometry-based grass blades are rendered for animating interactively for grass scenery close to camera. Imaged-based quads covered with clumps of grass texture are rendered for […]
May, 3
Real-time ocean wave motion simulation based on statistic model and GPU programming
This paper will discuss the method of simulating ocean waves basing on statistic model and GPU programming. In the method, the ocean surface is viewed as a height field, which is obtained by Phillips spectrum and 2D FFT. In order to realize the realistic scene, we take full advantage of the extended functions of GPU […]
May, 3
GPU-based surface oriented interslice directional interpolation for volume visualization
Laser scanning confocal endomicroscopy (LSCEM) is emerging as an in vivo 3D cellular imaging technology. However, the image datasets acquired from LSCEM are generally with low z-depth resolution, which causes artifacts in volume rendering. Intermediate data between consecutive images needs to be generated. One common solution uses trilinear interpolation which more or less reduces the […]
May, 3
Accelerating scientific applications using GPU’s
Graphics processing units (GPUs) have emerged as a powerful platform for high-performance computation. They have been successfully used to accelerate many scientific workloads. Typically, the computationally intensive parts of the application are offloaded to the GPU, which serves as the CPU’s parallel coprocessor. The key to effective utilization of GPUs for scientific computing is the […]
May, 3
GPU based video stylization
In this paper, we present a GPU based video stylization framework that can artistically stylize video stream in real time. In this framework, firstly, we use a separable implementation of bilateral filter as an adaptive and iterative smoothing operation that selectively simplifies image color, leading to an abstracted look. Secondly, we perform a soft color […]
May, 3
Real-Time and Realistic Simulation for Cardiac Intervention with GPU
Cardiovascular disease is the number one cause of death today in developed countries and is projected to remain so. Cardiac intervention is a minimally invasive solution to diagnose and treat the disease. Training of young cardiologists is playing an important role towards quality cardiac healthcare. The advance of interactive and graphics technologies has offered a […]
May, 3
GPU Implementation of Extended Gaussian Mixture Model for Background Subtraction
Although trivial background subtraction (BGS) algorithms (e.g. frame differencing, running average…) can perform quite fast, they are not robust enough to be used in various computer vision problems. Some complex algorithms usually give better results, but are too slow to be applied to real-time systems. We propose an improved version of the Extended Gaussian mixture […]
May, 3
Parallel grid-based recursive Bayesian estimation using GPU for real-time autonomous navigation
This paper presents the parallelization of grid-based recursive Bayesian estimation (RBE) using a graphics processing unit (GPU) for real-time control of autonomous vehicles. Although the grid-based method has been effectively used for autonomous search due to its ability to represent search space explicitly, heavy computational load has been a bottleneck for real-time application similarly to […]
May, 3
Accelerating BP Neural Network-Based Image Compression by CPU and GPU Cooperation
Recently, GPU has evolved into a highly parallel, multithreading, many core processor with tremendous computational capability and very high memory bandwidth. At the same time, multi-core CPU evolution continued and today’s CPUs have 4-8 cores which offer dramatically increased performance and power savings characteristics. We are aware of very few works that consider both devices […]
May, 3
Statistical power modeling of GPU kernels using performance counters
We present a statistical approach for estimating power consumption of GPU kernels. We use the GPU performance counters that are exposed for CUDA applications, and train a linear regression model where performance counters are used as independent variables and power consumption is the dependent variable. For model training and evaluation, we use publicly available CUDA […]
May, 3
GPU-based elastic-object deformation for enhancement of existing haptic applications
Most haptic libraries allow user to feel the resistance of a flexible virtual object by the implementation of a point-based collision detection algorithm and a spring-damper model. Even though the user can feel the deformation at the contact point, the graphics library renders a rigid geometry, causing a conflict of senses in the user’s mind. […]